Favorite Genre of Metal? Why?

Proggressive, melodic death, power, heavy pretty much
i would say anythin thats good but i dont really listen to much else than that in all honesty
Hmm, I'm not so good in genres, but maybe power and melodic death and some folk metal too. However I'm usually attracted to bands that are hard to categorize. So as long as music good and guys are hot it's good to me.
I tend to go for either Melodic Death Metal type stuff, Power Metal or Symphonic stuff like Therion. At the moment I can't seem to get enough of folky/Viking Metal. And naturally I think it's pretty obvious I am a blatant Nightwish fangirl!
What I can't stand is that godawful screamo/emo stuff that seems to dominate the U.K. Boring!

I demand stuff with a bit of skill and melody. If that makes me sound like a grumpy old curmudgeon then I don't care.