Favorite Horror Movie(s)

ah there r some good Ones ill name some that i rmeber and hell ya Bram stocker is an amazing move never gets Old also i like the people Under the stairs, pet cematary IT the shining sometimes they come Back more but im not thinkin of em atm
Ring was okay, Friday 13th and Halloween suck ass. They are boring slashers.
Zombiemovies rule. Night of the Living Dead, Day of the dead, Dawn of the Dead (the remake isn't too shabby either, i enjoy watching it), Bad Taste, Braindead, Dracual (the Bela Lugosi one), Waxwork 1, Mr. Vampire series :lol:
Juon was okay too. And Stacy, i suggest you go see it. It is really awesome, 15 year old japanese teenage zombies.
Insilden_The Shred said:
They totally ruined Jason and Friday The 13th... bastards!!!

I don't think most horror movies these days are near as good as the older classic stuff.

the new "horror" movies, are mainly made just for shocks. there is stuff like saw, or scream...or jeepers creepers. i mean they are okay movies, but the classics are much better....the concept of having this one monster dude killing everybody...or afew other characters destroying peolpe is way better. and some try to make up for it by re-making older horror movies....and it just doesnt work. the texas chainsaw massacre re-make was really good though, but the older one was better.

im just curious as to how The Hills Have Eyes re-make is gonna be, :p
Heavenscent said:
Ring was okay, Friday 13th and Halloween suck ass. They are boring slashers.
Zombiemovies rule. Night of the Living Dead, Day of the dead, Dawn of the Dead (the remake isn't too shabby either, i enjoy watching it), Bad Taste, Braindead, Dracual (the Bela Lugosi one), Waxwork 1, Mr. Vampire series :lol:
Juon was okay too. And Stacy, i suggest you go see it. It is really awesome, 15 year old japanese teenage zombies.

I've replied like 3 times in a row, but i keep reading more shit, :p

But about the Stacy movie, i agree, it was pretty awesome....very strange too. Im suprised someone else actually has seen it, or heard of it at that. its kinda like I spit on your Grave, people have seen it but not as much as Night of the Living dead, or Nightmare on Elm street type stuff
Evil Dead- All
Deep Red
Halloween - 1 only
The Blair Witch Project - 1 only
The Gates to Hell
The Hills have Eyes - The original, not this Nu-movie that I see is comming out
The last house on the left
Bay of Blood
CoBHC247 said:
yep, perfect examples would be Saw and Saw 2

I don't put saw under the genre horror, it's not scary or so. Saw is a great movie imo. Saw 1 was kinda lowbudget, has some things in it which could be better, but it's a good movie imo, but definately not horror.

I only saw a few horrors, because i don't like them, and to take for example halloween h20. The pussies run for a guy who doesn't run and can withstand alot of knives and stuff and the runners are like omg let's get out of here because we can't smack him. I don't like the unrealistic stuff. Saw is way more realistic, but then again, it's not a horror.
Dawm Of The Dead (old and new)
Land Of The Dead (I think that was it, maybe it was Day Of The Dead)
Saw 1 & 2
House Of A 1000 Corpses
The Devil's Rejects
Ju On 2 (haven't seen 1, but I did see the Grudge)
Resident Evil
Child's Play

Zombie movies rule (old and new ones) :)
Mothmans' prophet
I don't know if it's supposed to be a horror movie, but I know I was this close to shit myself.