What videogames does Borknagar members play???

TheRealLazare said:
Vintage gamesystems like G&W, Tomytronic, Atari Lynx ("Kung Food" is a killer game, hehe) and Gakken... Me and Asgeir both collect this stuff!
Ah man, if only I could find all my old Atari Lynx games! I had so many, but now I only have the Lynx itself with the Rampage cartridge. :(

Was so much fun playing against someone else too...
Don't buy Everquest :) It was fun back in the day, but now it's pretty fucked up. Lost Dungeons of Norrath may keep you occupied for a few months though.
I don't have a clue when it comes to cumputer and video games.....
Icelimber, anyone???...hehehehehehehahahahahahahahahah
Dantven said:
you guys should check out the realm. www.realmserver.com

It's one of the old-school MMORPG's but its stayed around so many years cause its fun as hell and the community is very strong and always growing.

Highly recommended.
I played that years ago... I hope they fixed the balance issues, fighter-mage hybrids were the only viable class. I also played EQ, on Bristlebane.