

Señor Member
Mar 5, 2004
So here's the thread to stop all of you going off topic all the other ones. We had a WoW thread before, but I don't recall/didn't find anything about videogames in general.

yeah-yeah-yeah, videogames are for kids. Well, not if you play Wii!

What's good recently:

Bad Company 2 multiplayer is a fucking blast :D Kicking ass on 360, was lagging last night like a motherfucker, maybe that's why we lost all the time.

Final Fantasy XIII (360) - this one is fucking cool, nothing like I've ever played before (and I didn't play that many jRPGs if any at all), but this one fucking rocks. Real-time turn based system keeps me hooked (and it's quite challenging at times).

Still didn't unpack my God of War 3 Pandora Box, I know the game will rock (and Dante was a PIECE OF SHIT comparing to).

Mass Effect 2 - this is one mad fucking epic. Around 700 references to the first one (if you import the character), and you can get laid (!) Going to run through it once again eventually to get all the achievements.

DAO: Awakening - still unpacked as well, but original Dragon Age required way too much time, which I don't have (much easier to play other games on and off, but for this one you REALLY need to sit down for HOURS). The best RPG in fucking years (yes, beats ME2, but doesn't blow it out of the water).

So what's good? Unless you are miserable cheap fucks who still think PC is the ultimate gaming platform :Smug:
So what's good? Unless you are miserable cheap fucks who still think PC is the ultimate gaming platform :Smug:

Yes, we do, but that is besides the point.

Get yourself a PS3 and some exclusive games like Uncharted 2 and MGS4 and
maybe even Heavy Rain. I've finished all 3. MGS4 is the best game ever. Pediod.
And I have to say Uncharted 2 is pretty fucking awesome too.
Mass Effect 2 - this is one mad fucking epic. Around 700 references to the first one (if you import the character), and you can get laid (!) Going to run through it once again eventually to get all the achievements.

Only one I played from your list, because I'm currently in the process of becoming less of a cheap fuck who still thinks PC is the ultimate gaming platform (I'll obviously get FFXIII and GoWIII right after I complete my mutation, plus some titles I missed in the past).

Loved ME1 and 2, although Sci-Fi is not my favorite setting. Somehow it felt like there were more side quests in number 1 (but I don't know about the DLC), which brings me to my main confession: I'm a completist. When you see a list of achievements long as your arm and wonder who's the sad bastard who can't start on another, newer, better game until he's done - that's me. I'm the sad bastard. CEOs all over the world convened and monitored my behavior for weeks before deciding scores of meaningless competitive accomplishments were the way to go to inject some life in the business.
Too bad we can't play BC2 online xbox vs pc. You'd end up like this: :cry:

Edit: "cheap fucks"? I believe my PC cost like 5 times as much as my x360...

True that :D But let's try 360 now...

And hardware doesn't matter: how much is your game collection worth (original pricing)? Mine is about... 6 feet high in boxes for all 3 platforms? Asked to trade some of my games in, so it could be a little less by now, but I have every major title for last 2-3 years, it's not even fun going into GameStop any longer :D

Get yourself a PS3 and some exclusive games like Uncharted 2 and MGS4 and maybe even Heavy Rain. I've finished all 3. MGS4 is the best game ever. Period. And I have to say Uncharted 2 is pretty fucking awesome too.

I confirm.

PS3 80GB was the first one I got in 2007, and MGS4 is probably the best game ever created (so far :D) I didn't finish it though - I kept getting every major AAA title, and it was hard to stick to just one game (plus I haven't played the earlier ones, although I have MGS3 somewhere... still unpacked).

Didn't play Heavy Rain yet, and wasn't that blown away with the demo, will get it after a price drop eventually. The copied the city - or had it heavily influenced by - from Philadelphia (Chinatown, Ben Franklin Bridge, some locations from South Philly I believe).

Uncharted 2 reminded me of Indiana Jones in some places, although having a completely new take on the archeology :) I got REALLY frustrated by those huge ice levels where you have to climb around and around - that was a downside for me (never liked Lara Croft btw). Beat the first one and was happy to see a variety of locations in the second one.

Oh yeah, inFAMOUS is a piece of shit =(

Only one I played from your list, because I'm currently in the process of becoming less of a cheap fuck who still thinks PC is the ultimate gaming platform (I'll obviously get FFXIII and GoWIII right after I complete my mutation, plus some titles I missed in the past).

Loved ME1 and 2, although Sci-Fi is not my favorite setting. Somehow it felt like there were more side quests in number 1 (but I don't know about the DLC), which brings me to my main confession: I'm a completist. When you see a list of achievements long as your arm and wonder who's the sad bastard who can't start on another, newer, better game until he's done - that's me. I'm the sad bastard. CEOs all over the world convened and monitored my behavior for weeks before deciding scores of meaningless competitive accomplishments were the way to go to inject some life in the business.

Same here - I am an achievement whore :D Although I try steer clear of insane achievements (like completing all challenges at platinum level in Prototype), but I still try to beat every game on hard. MW2 was REALLY frustrating though at favelas level =/ had to switch back to Normal since I was picked by headshots as soon as I was trying to stick my head out onto the roof.

As of PC being an ultimate gaming platform - maybe a wrong choice of words (as well as "cheap fucks"), but this was just my subjective (and very subjective at that) thought (since good PC aren't cheap either). But personally I'll take console gaming over PC any day (any day of those 5-6 a week I spend up to 12 hours working in front of one) , so I can just lean back and relax in front of a big screen. Some games are a little harder to enjoy that way (Dragon Age, since it really shines on a PC), but I will stick to checking a game on consoles if it comes out despite lower resolution, compressed textures and stuff like that =)

Oh yeah, a couple games I couldn't get into: Assassin's Creed and BioShock series. Quality games, buuut I wish I just downloaded them =/
:Smug: Just ordered GOD III, Just Cause II and Dragon Age Awakening.

I recently completed Mass Effect 2 and Heavy Rain...both amazing games in their own right.

:worship: Massive fan of the Metal Gear Solid Series...MGS 4 was almost as good as MGS 1 for the playstation one.

I order my ps3 games from the US...much cheaper than in Denmark, we have to pay a 100 dollars per game:cry:
Luckily here in Ireland we have 2 stores that sell second hand games and consoles,
I got my PS3 60GB with backwards compatibility (which I need to finish my Persona
games one day, even tho I took my PS2slim with me) for 230euros, which is insanely

I also only paid 20euros for my MGS4 (of course I already finished it at my buddies
place back in Sweden) and I could've traded in a game to get GOW3 for 5euros or
trade in 2 games to get it for 0euros.

Oh, that reminds me, Batman: Arkham Asylum is bloody awesome too.

EDIT: Speaking of expensive PCs, mine is like 8 times the price of my Xbox360
Elite and I paid 300euros for that one, so, yeah, I tend to like PC games a bit more.
And of course Total War: Rome is only for PC, so :p

EDIT2: oh and speaking of Bad Company 2:
I must say I did like the first one tho, most likely not buying 2 anytime soon.
(Especially since I have all these TWR mods to test now)
I'll list PS3 games I can remember I have played:
- Assassin's Creed: completely boring! I can't understand why it's so praised! One of the most repetitive games ever!

- Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time trilogy in the PS2 was way better. This one got way too simple! Combat and the whole game structure are very repetitive.

- Heavenly Sword: interesting game! It's a short hack and slash but it's worth it. The most amazing part of the game are the facial expressions and the skins textures. I've never seen a game with such perfect features. The sixaxis projectile control is very nice.

- Civilization Revolution: very entertaining and addictive. I play this once in a while until today. I recommend single player, though. Waiting for the others' turn in multi player is a bit boring.

- Fallout 3: very nice sandbox RPG. I do not recommend you go for all the side quests, though. Some are very simple or even stupid, and may get the game a bit boring. Do just some of them and stick to the main mission.

- Dead Space: THE BEST GAME EVER! I've finished it three times! It's a survival horror third person shooter! I beat it three times! It's VERY scary and it really gets you sucked into it!

- Bioshock: an average game. Nothing out of the ordinary. The enemies get a bit repetitive. On the other hand, the story is interesting. The would you kindly thing is pretty neat.

- Condemned 2: Bloodshot: I'm playing this one right now. I got it hoping it would be a horror game, but it's not scary for me. The hand to hand combat system is fun. It's a very dark and heavy game. The story is interesting. A above average game until the moment.

- Uncharted: I'm talking about the first one here. It's pretty interesting. The physics are very well done, the story is interesting, but I didn't get interested in playing it more than one time.

- Fear 2: boring. I couldn't play it for too long. It did not interest me.

In short, get DEAD SPACE and shit in your pants!
Dead Space is one of the best games of all time. I shat my pants quite a few times while playing it, and it all was a good scare. I played it on PS3 and finished on 360, and will most likely do a second full run for achievements since it doesn't really get less scary (if you crank up your difficulty settings).

Got Just Cause 2 yesterday. Huge open world, somewhat different aiming mechanics, but at the same time you don't have to exactly hit what you are aiming at (and that's without autoaiming, you need to try it to understand it). really smooth on game pad so far, but can get a little weird in teh beginning.

The game isn't taking itself seriously at all, but it's FUN and plays through like a B-movie (which it is intended to be). And destruction FTW!

Oh, that reminds me, Batman: Arkham Asylum is bloody awesome too.

EDIT: Speaking of expensive PCs, mine is like 8 times the price of my Xbox360
Elite and I paid 300euros for that one, so, yeah, I tend to like PC games a bit more.
And of course Total War: Rome is only for PC, so :p

EDIT2: oh and speaking of Bad Company 2:
I must say I did like the first one tho, most likely not buying 2 anytime soon.
(Especially since I have all these TWR mods to test now)

Batman had one of the most fluid combat systems I've ever seen :D Quality game, but I never went back to replay it, although it was fun in the first run.

Looks like PC is becoming a platform for RTS games (good luck playing that on a 360 pad) and MMORPGs (which can change soon, although developers prefer not to port their MMORPGs to 360 these days). I'm really looking forward Secret World MMORPG, so i could bump my PC specs for that (but it still should be enough even now).

That "review" of BC2 is meant to be funny, not descriptive of the actual game. Although some points are valid (obscuring point of view with dust; and I'm talking about 360 version here), the rest - I didn't really care about. I never took the game to be a realistic shooter - there's ARMA and Flashpoint for that. And the guy is talking about single player, which SUCKS compare to the first one. the game REALLY shines through in multiplayer, and like H-man said - one of the best MP games in a looong time. And - stimulus package for MW2 for $15?

Fuck that :D
MP is for losers with "internet" social lifes.
I don't have one of those lame things and I wouldn't be caught dead playing an MP game,
so I judge all my games based on single player, which is why MW2 sucked ass (well, that
and trying to out-shock MW1, which ended up just being fucking lame).

I'm really sceptical of Dead Space being any good, haven't played it, but a 5-h Doom 3
ripoff from EA isn't making me drool either. And going as far as calling it one of the best
games ever is just total BS. Have you even played MGS4 or Uncharted 2, fuck Dead Space.
MP is for losers with "internet" social lifes.
I don't have one of those lame things and I wouldn't be caught dead playing an MP game,
so I judge all my games based on single player, which is why MW2 sucked ass (well, that
and trying to out-shock MW1, which ended up just being fucking lame).

I don't play that much MP (co-op would be fun though, but I usually just stick to single anyway), and Left 4 Dead series - they really should sell tat shit in packs of 4 since single is fucking lame and playing with random people online - meh.

MP in BC2 is fun, way more fun than any MP before it. Didn't play that much BF games, but they somewhat rehashed 1943 taking all the best stuff out of it and adding other awesome features (destruction, wooo!!!)

And it's always more fun to shoot other people. And rank progression and different classes and challenges - i'm pretty hooked on that (being already an achievement whore).

I'm really sceptical of Dead Space being any good, haven't played it, but a 5-h Doom 3
ripoff from EA isn't making me drool either. And going as far as calling it one of the best
games ever is just total BS. Have you even played MGS4 or Uncharted 2, fuck Dead Space.

But those are completely different titles, each great in their own right. Dead Space is really atmospheric and scary plus strategic dismemberment FTW.
MP is for losers with "internet" social lifes.
I don't have one of those lame things and I wouldn't be caught dead playing an MP game,
so I judge all my games based on single player, which is why MW2 sucked ass (well, that
and trying to out-shock MW1, which ended up just being fucking lame).

I'm really sceptical of Dead Space being any good, haven't played it, but a 5-h Doom 3
ripoff from EA isn't making me drool either. And going as far as calling it one of the best
games ever is just total BS. Have you even played MGS4 or Uncharted 2, fuck Dead Space.
Wow you're a hateful one aren't ya. Dead Space is a good game imo, it's better than Doom 3 imo and even beat Resident Evil at it's own game (There is like no horror in Resident Evil 5 at all). And why are you comparing it to those other games, not even the same genre >.>

Also EA are a-lot better nowadays. ME2 and Dragon Age are fantastic games and I'm glad EA buying out Bioware didn't effect those games.

Anyways Metro 2033 is freaken awesome. Highly recommend it to people that like Bioshock, Stalker, Half Life etc. It has some of the best atmosphere I've ever experienced in a game. And looks mind blowing on a good pc.
Bad Company 2 single player "campaign" is a piece of shit. Couple of levels are just "run straight line from point A to point B without getting shot" and THAT'S IT! Playing on Hard gets you extra time, but single player is really, REALLY fucking short. Funny someplaces, but nonetheless. Although multiplayer compensates for everything - it's still maaad fun (reached rank 22 online and got almost all achievements for 360 :p)

That animated review the dude posted is even more piece of shit than the game. Seriously - that's all he's got? Not funny at all I say.

FFXIII - 5 or so hours into it, still waiting for it to open up. Tobe__ was playing for like 40 hours already, and still hasn't finished it (and he's some hardcore gaymer mofo). One of the most beautiful games I've seen so far (and most melodramatic one - Hope, shut the FUCK UP already).

Just Cause 2 - the first game on 360 I encountered some crazy bug: using grappling hook I tethered myself to some hangar which you can't enter from outside, and flew right in it. Couldn't get out of it, so that was it for my weekend play :D The game is fun though, really huge fucking sandbox, and I mean HUGE. Going to raise hell occasionally. And speaking of which - need to get back to Saboteur. That game started with boobs and had this 60's-70's war movies atmosphere. Grim one (as also it's plot), but shooting nazis was mad fun.

Going to get Metro 2033 eventually, after some price drop; from what i heard so far from different sources and people that played it - the downsides of it (weak shooting mechanics and - dude, it's set in Moskau :D) don't make up for all the upsides that I don't really care about anyway.
I've been a Bioware fan since they were called Black isle. In fact there is a musical reference to Planescape Torment on WAtV.

Mass effect 2 is probably the best game I ever played and it kept me busy for weeks during the US tour.

Dragon age rocked and right now i'm playing the expansion Awakening.

Assassin's creed 2 I liked a lot. Much better than the first one in any case.

Also I got Final Fantasy XIII on the tour but it wasn't really my cup of tea even though I have to acknowledge its quality.

All I really want to say is: Get Mass effect 2! Whatever the cost...

...I even had to get a euro version when I got home.
I've been a Bioware fan since they were called Black isle. In fact there is a musical reference to Planescape Torment on WAtV.

Hands down the best game from that era. It was weird and bizzare, as I remember it, for it's time, and I didn't encounter anything quite as strange since then (setting books the game was based on were not as nearly as mind blowing). Now I just have to dig up the game disc somewhere or just try to figure out the reference - it was about 10 (!) years since I played the game. Woo - I can play it on my netbook, modern screens are waaaay too big for such a game to play in full screen.

I played Fallout 2 A LOT back in the day, too, finished it several times - modern games aren't that great comparing to get into. And I conned my friend to buy Baldur's Gate - pirated version, of course; it was MADLY expensive back in the day since it was on 4 CDs (FOUR FUCKING CDs!!!), and it was a cost per CD back in the day :D

Mass Effect 2 is getting several add-ons, I'm going back to it after that - too many games to keep up with at the time, and Bad Company 2 is still (!) mad fun online. On my way to level 50 (about 120 hours to go :D)

Oh, and all Quake games (up to 3 included are on sale on Steam): Quake Live was mad fun as well :) I still remember the days when Quake I came out, and it was the best looking/fun game in town... and how we played multiplayer at school... but Duke Nukem 3D's hotel map was ever the best.

Good times :)
@plintus: unrelated, but it's about time you contact me on facebook. :p There's a bunch of shit in Italian on my wall right now because election day has come and gone last weekend, but I usually post in English, so love me and get it over with. ;)

(Also, will you be in New York next September?)