Just want to clear a small detail...


Aug 8, 2002
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You guys (I don't remember who, It doesn't matter) told me wrong It was only 2 songs of the album which was fucked up and Century Media didn't understand what happen... WELL I TRIED TO TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED!

It's not 2 songs fucked up at the end, it's all 12 songs fucked up at the end: a jerk has messed up the burn options and selected "2 seconds pause" at each track's beginning, ALL songs is cut earlier at the end because of this mute time added, just listen to monochromatic stains and every others, it should have ended with a "let-ring" fade out, but the "let ring" ends earlier by a neat cut. Of course 2 songs have major defectiveness at the end, but it's the most appearant...

This message is not supposed to change anything, it doesn't indeed, but when I say something you guy should think about it instead of saying "no bullshit ! it's only 2 tracks fucked up" and this just because I'm fucking right so next time a guy says something "new" to what's already said, you'd better try to understand and learn.

Well I know this concerns only a couple of 5 or 6 persons and maybe more but hell I was pissed off when I re-listened the cd once more time...

This post is not meant to put a doubt on Damage Done's value, it's still the best album I listened to this year.
People who talks to others with this way of thinking only about their own words are crowding the chat servers like The Palace and yahoo manson chatroom: they just think about how cool they sound, if their messages look smart and if they're ever gonna cybersex some goth chick...

Well ok, that's not the point but it's a bit what I thought of you people who told me I was saying bullcrap.
No offense, I'm just a little annoyed...
Well, U are sure right, anyway. It seems that Century Media hoped that no one would notice, or sth like that, because it is only at track one and eleven that the abruption is obvious.

But U can clearly hear it at almost every track, and I don`t think it was meant to be like this. I wonder why they didn`t admit this in the first place...

A little annoying that the production can`t be perfect, when DT have released their best album ever, maybe the best album of all time.
Mine just showed up today, and while it IS superb...there are NO problems on the disc to speak of, so I don't have any clue what you're talking about Nicky_M16. Sounds to me like you have a pirated copy...
I don't have a pirated copy, I got it in stores but it's a well known case of defectiveness encountered in commercial copies of this wonderful record, unlucky I am.
When I say burn it's because I think that originally they are burnt too on a prototype, no?
I also think that the package of records that were partly to be shipped to my country (France) are all fucked up, they maybe noticed it but they wanted a world wide release... Well It's kind of fucked up since it arrived very late and I would prefer even more late but without the fucking prototype "scratch".

It is sooo evident that someone has put the 2seconds mute option in the original burning. Most metal records DON'T HAVE The 2 seconds, you can see it with a digital screen on the cd player when it says:
-00:01 , -00:00 ... and then the song starts.

PS: maybe the original record for this package was burnt with Nero Burning Rom or EAsyCDCreator or some shit where you can forget to set up the options...
When you describe it that way, it's DEFINITELY been fixed, at least on whatever batch mine was a part of.

For example, track 1 begins to tail off or fade out, and track 2 begins to come in perfectly with no breaks, pauses or silence (at approx. the 3 minute mark of track 1).
mark: CM released a bunch of flawed copies, released they'd done it, and started making unflawed copies. You've evidently gone one with no flaw...

and you do realise its possible that others have different taste to you? :p
Originally posted by Wanderingblade
mark: CM released a bunch of flawed copies, released they'd done it, and started making unflawed copies. You've evidently gone one with no flaw...

and you do realise its possible that others have different taste to you? :p

I assume you're referring to my laughing at the "best album of all time" comment that I scoffed at, no?

Yes, of course I realize that people have different tastes than mine. Shit, my best friend/housemate listens to complete tripe, yet I don't think less of him.

I just can't stand when people make such excessively superlative comments is all. "Best album..." - still makes me :lol:
Originally posted by Wanderingblade
mark: Fair enough... so you've never used the phrase best album then?

Of course I have. I think I use it most likely every couple months or so. The difference is that I'm CORRECT. ;)

I'm kidding obviously. Seriously, I have declared a best album before, but it changes between 1 of 2 records fairly regularly. Queensryche's 'Operation: Mindcrime' and Metallica's 'Master Of Puppets.'

Yes, I'm older than the average bear around here, and it pisses me off when people can't respect the past, dammit!
Originally posted by Nicky_M16


:lol: Now THAT'S funny!