FinalFatalForce The Deadnight Warrior Nov 20, 2002 945 0 16 39 USA Aug 28, 2006 #1 Im curious to find out what everyones Favorite Hypocrisy Release vote for one
S Shamateur Hypocrite Jan 23, 2003 1,297 1 36 Nonexistence Aug 28, 2006 #2 It's an old song... There already was such threads. Strangely enough the opinions were divided.
M Metal88 Final Flash! Nov 4, 2001 1,050 0 36 45 Fuckville Visit site Aug 30, 2006 #3 This poll should be a "sticky" - like in every other band's forum. Duh. Also, why are all the non-full length's listed? They're just in the fucking way.
This poll should be a "sticky" - like in every other band's forum. Duh. Also, why are all the non-full length's listed? They're just in the fucking way.
S Shamateur Hypocrite Jan 23, 2003 1,297 1 36 Nonexistence Aug 30, 2006 #4 And what should do those who haven't favorite album and even a song?
N Nevernity Member Jul 28, 2006 102 0 16 Aug 31, 2006 #5 There should be an option that says ALL OF THE ABOVE. I picked at random, closed my eyes and clicked a bunch of times and got the self-titled
There should be an option that says ALL OF THE ABOVE. I picked at random, closed my eyes and clicked a bunch of times and got the self-titled
Zephyrus Tyrants and Slaves Jan 18, 2006 25,502 40 48 35 Maine or Iowa Sep 1, 2006 #6 Would have been nice to add "Destroy's Wacken" to that list.
S Sickman Member Jun 21, 2003 241 2 18 44 Boston, MA Visit site Sep 1, 2006 #7 Hypocrisy Destroys Wacken is the one that I play the most. Unbelievably heavy. But as for studio releases, I'd have to go with The Final Chapter or Abducted.
Hypocrisy Destroys Wacken is the one that I play the most. Unbelievably heavy. But as for studio releases, I'd have to go with The Final Chapter or Abducted.
S Shamateur Hypocrite Jan 23, 2003 1,297 1 36 Nonexistence Sep 2, 2006 #8 "Destroy's Wacken" the best live record I ever heard. "The Final Chapter" is the haviest album of Hypocrisy on my opinion.
"Destroy's Wacken" the best live record I ever heard. "The Final Chapter" is the haviest album of Hypocrisy on my opinion.