Favorite non-metal band?


Papa Opeth
May 19, 2001
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Just curious - if anyone isn't afraid to admit that they listen to other types of music.

My personal favorite non-metal band is The Tea Party (Canadien band). Incredible music.
Too many :)

I love the Pumpkins, Nirvana, Clouds...even Frente. And I sorta started listening to Sarah McLachlan. Oh yeah Jeff Buckley too. He was incredibly talented :D
Man, you guys thats a hard question....
But, I will have to go with Genesis right now!!!
You have got to fucking love their progressive stuff (mostly the 70's stuff) The stuff with Peter is amazing but I like the stuff like Wind and Wuthering and Trick of the Tail just as much. Their pop stuff from the 80's I don't like, but some stuff from Duke is great! I was listening to Genesis with my dad earlier tonight so I am really in that mood right now. But yeah for the moment Genesis definately!
The Tea Party, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Otyg (Vintersorg's old band... you can't really call them metal, though, can you?) and virtually anything Celtic.

Then we have the glam/hard rock bands of the 70's and 80's... are they considered heavy metal? I suppose they shouldn't be... so AC/DC, Twisted Sister, Alice Cooper, Girlschool...
When I was younger I used to listen to the Allman Brothers a lot, so they still have to be up there with my faves. I'll put them alongside Led Zeppelin, Porcupine Tree and Jimi Hendrix and a number of small, obscure prog/psych rock bands.....

Anekdoten are fast becoming on of my favourites aswell
A few of my non-metal favorites:

Tindersticks - They're another band equally as impossible to describe as Opeth. Sort of sad-pop. Incorporates lots of different instruments (eletric violins, strings, horns). Vocals are deep deep sad vocals (almost like a white Al Green, only a whole lot cooler). Songs about love, loss, etc... Definately worth checking out....

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

Nick Drake

Jethro Tull

Jeff Buckley
My very favorite non-metal band is Days of the New.

And before you write them off, let me say why. Their first CD was the more popular one, which was basically just good, driving acoustic rock. But the second CD was much more "musical," for lack of a better word. Really broad instrumentation, dare I say it reminds me of Opeth's breadth and scope? Of course, it got no radio play -- which probably proves that it's actually good. And Travis Meeks is a really amazingly talented guy -- one of these musical geniouses like Mikael that have all this music in their head and HAVE to live, eat and breathe music for their own sanity.