Favorite porn stars?

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She was bullied into killing herself?
That seems to be the case. She said something on Twitter the other day about not wanting to do scenes with people who also do gay porn due to the high risk of HIV which naturally led to a pile on of accusations of homophobia. Apparently Ames had previously suffered from depression. If you look through various Twitter threads, she did defend her position but it seems (if indeed this was truly the cause) that it all got to be too much too quickly. A lot of industry vets like Jenna Jameson and Melissa Hill came to her defense during the whole debacle yesterday. Its really quite sickening.
Jesus Christ.

Watch the SJWs/"muh cyberbullying against womenz" activists sweep this one under the rug.
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I would assume there is far more to that story than just FoxNews "TATTOOED SATANIST SJWS BULLY BEAUTIFUL (adult) FILM STAR TO COMMIT SUICIDE FOR NOT BEING LIKE THEM!" but if someone feels the need to end themselves because of other people online there is definitely some larger issues at play here.
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No offense, but does that really go over your head?

He was making a joke about your "muh cyberbullying against women activists" quip, which sounds like a typical FOX headline frame, i.e. it won't be a story b/c the left-loving media won't go after SJW progressives. But of course that's not true; the truth is it won't be a story b/c mainstream news doesn't cover porn stars. You have the conservative censorship stranglehold to thank for that.
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If Fox News wouldn't cover the death of a pornstar due to the conservative censorship stranglehold, why in Yoda's hypothetical headline would she be referred to as beautiful or even covered at all? In hindsight his comment seems even more idiotic than I initially thought.

I was talking about the activists themselves and SJWs in general sweeping this under the rug. Media coverage in 2017 is rapidly becoming irrelevant when controversial news stories seem to catch on via Twitter, Facebook etc instead.

Also, I don't watch Fox or really any news program, nor do I read their articles. American MSM is like dogshit to the palette.
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