Post audio/video clips of yourself

You still manage to namedrop him quite often, meaning that my "material" is relevant. Even so, his absence compared to your avid posting in favor of him is similar to your persistent claims of me being an Interpol-obsessed kid. Showing your obvious irony and contradictions among the myriad of either pointless or dumb sarcastic posts. With this in mind, why do I need to develop material? Unlike you, I have no intent on making every poster that have a seemingly less finely tuned posting style feel like shit, besides Ohio(even we can agree on him).

I have hit puberty. Maybe I look young, maybe I look my age in that video. I certainly don't need to post videos about that, though, as it would be slightly strange. I whisper in the video so I did not wake everyone up around me. Therefor, the potential of my voice could not be unleashed on your unrelenting ears. So let us not confuse a simplistic joke or even a mean spirited teasing, as a serious comment or a reliable one. The video was not about you, 1.5 seconds was.

You claim you're mature yet continually and vainly try to defend your dignity ON THE INTERNET. And then you post a video of yourself acting the same way you persistently claim not to be, rather confirming what we already inferred from your text-based posturing.
I never had a cat, and it was only recently I got over my gripping fear of them. So no, I have never known one with flies. Though, I would say my argument is not bad enough to be labeled as a ugly cat, or one with a blanket over it for that matter. It's not perfect but I have gotten much better at this shit.
I never had a cat, and it was only recently I got over my gripping fear of them. So no, I have never known one with flies. Though, I would say my argument is not bad enough to be labeled as a ugly cat, or one with a blanket over it for that matter. It's not perfect but I have gotten much better at this shit.

Well, at the very least, your posts have improved a little bit from this:
i am looking for some good french black metal/death metal/trash metal??

i want very differnt moldic and some great guitar work and if u can add some singing in there but then hard powerfull vocals lik bands lik darkthrone,mayhem or other things:rock:
You claim you're mature yet continually and vainly try to defend your dignity ON THE INTERNET. And then you post a video of yourself acting the same way you persistently claim not to be, rather confirming what we already inferred from your text-based posturing.

But you see my debate is not based on the idea on perserving my internet personality. I claim to be mature in real life and not this forum, because I simply can not defend or even write good posts on here. The format is too fast and conversational for me to write coherently. I make attempts for it to sound better and readable, but I will be the first to say that I am a improving poster. My dignity is rather irrelevant on this board. Naturally, I don't want to be called someone with a underdevelopment voice because it is not true and it's not nice to hear. I removed the video and laughed about it. Nothing big and nothing serious. I don't see that as a mighty cause to defend myself over the internet. My debates with Omni are basically for fun and not to improve my creditability. I am sure she has the same intentions to an extent, but she also tries to defend her dignity in a very explicit manner. I don't. I know I am a shitty poster on this board, and mark my words, though I try to improve while not taking it a serious popularity game.
I'm not really following much of the crap going on here...but was (((o))) really Alter's attempt at starting over and be a better poster?

I think I can safely say that it doesn't seem to be working.
2 other people mentioned they were considering making videos; I fail to see how I contributed less with my post than they with theirs, considering that none of these posts actually contain said videos and the promise of a video is fucking meaningless.

Eat a dick.