Post audio/video clips of yourself

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
I'm not talking you singing or playing in your band or whatever since I can obviously go to your shitty myspace pages for that. I'm talking videos you make while drunk because you're bored or videos you make with your friends and post on youtube out of amusement. For audio clips, just ones of people talking are fine

tbh the trem-picked melody should have kept going while the band started to build back up again for increased epicness. Drummer looks mad out of place.
he really does

and thats the end of the song. we play it a couple times before that part of the song.
My lead guitarist is 6'5, very oddly proportioned (all of his weight goes to his tits), constantly has an extremely goofy look on his face, and is balding like badly balding. He's pretty out of place IMO
The only videos I have of myself are of me wanking on my guitar which is not interesting to anybody except me and other people who are interested in guitar wanking techniques. I hate the sound of my voice so I will not be sharing such things with you people.

Ozzman seems like somebody I'd like to have a few beers with. Ozzman we should really kick it sometime brah.