Post audio/video clips of yourself

I always imagined you as some big metal badass... my dreams are shattered.

Naw dude, haha. I am not really a metal head. I don't dress metal or even act like a badass. Granted, it's a bad video and I will shot a different one about all the people I don't like here. It will be funny.

I'm not a bitch at all. I just fake overreact to shit because people's reactions to it are funny

Well, you seem better on that video, so yeah I believe you.

I just watched my video, I do look like a small, whiny bitch on it.
You're going to be my second target. really don't like me do you? I guess Omni was right.
I was talking about the anti-Democratic shit and his right-wing views and how his video is kind of making fun of gays or something along those lines. I was not being serious. His posts are pretty funny.
Don't we share music tastes in many bands? I have not seen a picture of you, though. Maybe I'll call you fat, but I don't know. This video won't really be happening anytime soon, haha.
"Fuck Omni," you loser bitch.


The fact that this was in the video you posted fills me with immense joy. My only regret is that I didn't actually get to see it before you got rid of it. It must have been extremely stupid if you felt embarrassed enough to take it down so fast, especially before I could even see it and comment.

The fact that this was in the video you posted fills me with immense joy. My only regret is that I didn't actually get to see it before you got rid of it. It must have been extremely stupid if you felt embarrassed enough to take it down so fast, especially before I could even see it and comment.

Yeah, it was the worst video of me ever. Something that stupid would simply put me in a position that would lower my popularity here causing a lack of external Last-FM views. I can't take that, I can't deal with it. I was not wearing my hipster-gear or any plaid shirts, either. I honestly could not bear the fact that you would maybe, just maybe, have a chance to make another internet joke post about me to impress Matt. Really. My soul burdens with such disgust over that post.
Matthew doesn't even post here anymore, so maybe it's about time that you get some new material. I don't need to impress anyone and I've never went out of my way to do so.

Judging by what other people said, you haven't even hit puberty yet, but maybe you should act more like an adult if you expect to be treated like one. Making videos where you talk about hating people on the internet isn't going to get you there.
@Alter: That argument would be more credible if you hadn't actually taken the video down because you were embarrassed.

EDIT: Wait. Is Dodens really gone for good? Then why is Omni still here? wtf?
You still manage to namedrop him quite often, meaning that my "material" is relevant. Even so, his absence compared to your avid posting in favor of him is similar to your persistent claims of me being an Interpol-obsessed kid. Showing your obvious irony and contradictions among the myriad of either pointless or dumb sarcastic posts. With this in mind, why do I need to develop material? Unlike you, I have no intent on making every poster that have a seemingly less finely tuned posting style feel like shit, besides Ohio(even we can agree on him).

I have hit puberty. Maybe I look young, maybe I look my age in that video. I certainly don't need to post videos about that, though, as it would be slightly strange. I whisper in the video so I did not wake everyone up around me. Therefor, the potential of my voice could not be unleashed on your unrelenting ears. So let us not confuse a simplistic joke or even a mean spirited teasing, as a serious comment or a reliable one. The video was not about you, 1.5 seconds was.