Favorite porn stars?

i was walking around london last january and kept seeing beautiful females with perfect facial features. the prettiest ones looked frenchy, slavic or gypsy so they were mostly tourists from mainland europe.

i cried out dear god please stop throwing these gorgeous women in my face. stop reminding me what i dont have in socal full of spics, nigs and pigs. true story.

you have it good there jage just target the tourists
i don't live in or near london. also a lot of london is bullshit ghettos and financial districts
This is a top porn star:


What happened to you America? She isn't even an especially attractive Arab.

Shazia Sahari blows her out of the water and is an actual Muslim, if Muslim porn is your (retarded) fetish.

(see how gross melanin makes a woman's feet look)

Also, it's Pavlov's dog style manipulation because she climbed the charts whilst barely doing any content. I do disdain at people who don't appreciate real female beauty and just "durrr juss put a bag on her head hur durrr or sumfin hurr durr". Degenerate slops.
The main difference between american and british women, white ones anyway, is surely just that americans are more likely to be fat. Most are descended from british people.

Implying British people arent overweight as fuck too... And implying all white people in the US are of British descent... Not sure which is worse.
Here's what Wikipedia says, for what it's worth:


According to American Community Survey in 2009, Americans reporting British ancestry are 40,234,652, or 13.0% of the total U.S. population, a significant drop from the 1980 United States Census where 49,598,035 reported as having English ancestry and 61,311,449 reported as having British ancestry. Using the self reported 2010 census figures British Americans are the second largest European ancestry group after German Americans. However, this figure is likely an undercount, as a large proportion of Americans of British descent tend not to claim British ancestry or identify solely with other ancestry. Eight out of the ten most common surnames in the United States are of British origin.
Did you read any of the text in my post? I was saying the first one is unattractive and the second one is the one to go for if you really want a Muslim porn star for some unknown reason.
It's testament to the average level of intelligence on this forum that people think I was saying they were good looking.

women with gypsy blood in them (hungarians, romanians, etc) can be hot as fuck
full blooded gypsy women are some of the most unnattractive in the world, aside from fullblooded australian aboriginal and maori women.
yep need to dilute it with germanic/slavic/nordic blood (and there are entire nations of euro-gypsy hybrids to varying percentages) and get something amazing