Favorite Vintersorg moments?

I'll boil it down to one moment: The beginning of Offerbäcken, and the part before it fades out into the water sound. Just great.
There are many more, but most of them have been mentioned already.
Sure there are!
I can tell you one example since I'm currently listening to Spegelsfären: I love that part in the chorus where he sings "universalitet"........I simply have to turn up the volume everytime (hehe....annoying for the neighbours I guess)
There are tons of other remarkable parts all over the record but I'm too lazy to post them now :p

Apart from fave moments on that album I would definitely have to mention WOA :grin:
reading through this post has simply made me grin ear to ear. vintersorg's albums are littered with incredible moments... far too many for me to name myself, but just being able to recall the exact feeling of a song by having one of you mention it is very cool... said moments are burned in my memory, and listened to incessantly.
but to add one not previosly mentioned: VFTSG gets me at word one. the quote that opens that album is the most perfect precursor to the brilliance that ensues.
Astral and Arcane, sliding down the Norwegian coastline, with the towering mountains on one side and the endless ocean on the other. Sailing into the deepest fjords, close enough to touch the rock on either side of the ship, while turning up Mänskensmän. Slowly rolling over the shallower waters by night, with the stars shining above, a red mist lying over the lands, and the wind howling about my face, with A dialogue with the Stars playing in my ears.
Those are some of the moments which makes life worth living.
Originally posted by heather
the quote that opens that album is the most perfect precursor to the brilliance that ensues.

Yep, and just the other day I thought it is not only a perfect intro for the album but it would also be a great intro for (hopefully) upcoming live shows.
I know it's nothing new that bands are having their intros from the album also as an intro for the gig but I still think "quotation" would work fine :) But maybe mr V has something different in mind so we'll see.
Vintersorg magic moments? euh...everytime he used that profound voice of his he used before vision...

I like all of his songs before that album except Pa Landet, Rainbow demon. I like The enigmatic spirit a bit less, although it is a good song.

His voice makes me shivers, makes me feel like my heart was going to explode, like my blod was fire and my veins ice...I simply think I'M in love with his voice...:blush:

But, it isn't the same on the new album, although some parts are *magical* too. It is Vintersorg after all... But, I miss that voice that made me feel so :Saint:

And Otyg is not to forget...