Favorites on TOTTG?

This is what i love about AA. You ask what the best song is and no matter what, opinions are gonna vary. You poll 10 people, and they will come back with close to 10 different answers. Says a lot about their work. For me Where is your god is absolutely awful, amongst their worst ever yet a lot of people seem to like it. Just goes to show.. Same with WOOS, people love Asatar yet i think it's dreadful. Love the difference of opinion.

Been listening to this CD for a while now and I have to say Embrace of the Endless Ocean is not only the best song on the album, for me it is possibly their best song ever. Without a doubt in their top 5. It's that good 'to me'... funny thing is, by AA standards, it's like a slow song... Very few songs (EVER) have inspired me the way this song does...I can't get enough of it. It simply DOESN'T get more melodic than this people. As the OP said, this song is a masterpiece... it really is!

Second would have to be Tattered banners and bloody flags... it's the Hermod's ride of this CD.
must admit that it didn't hit me the same way as with oden on our side, which is in my top 5 albums of all time btw. but into day 2 of listening the tracks are really starting to hit the mark. and i do like the apocalyptica part it fits well .roope whatisname guitar wankery is a bit much though.
The songs on Twilight in my current order of preference (subject to change with more listens) with comments:

1. Free Will Sacrifice
This song is in the running for my favourite Amon Amarth song period. Lyrically this is definitely my favourite on this album, if you couldn't tell from my sig. As a bass player, I really appreciate Ted's contributions on this one. His playing really adds to the atmosphere and with the kick drum being as low in the mix as it is Ted really manages to keep the bottom prominent with his playing without overwhelming Olavi and Johan's superb riffing. For my money, this song has the best riffs on the album.

2. Twilight of the Thunder God
The opening riff sets the atmosphere. There is no doubting this is an Amon Amarth song from the first notes. Once Johan screams and Fredrik starts pounding the double kick, the whole thing might as well be hardwired to your balls because that's where it grabs you and it doesn't let go. The wankery from CoB's Roope Latvala provides an interesting contrast in an Amon Amarth song, though the brief pinch harmonic intro to his solo sounds more like it belongs in a cheesy power metal piece than here. Since it's only a second long I can overlook it since the song is so damn good.

3. No Fear for the Setting Sun
In coming years, I've no doubt that this song will be considered one of Amon Amarth's classics. This is a really complete song, all of the various elements meshing perfectly into an amazing whole. The solo on this song fits in all the ways that the solo on Guardians of Asgaard fails to.

4. Varyags of Miklagaard
Love the rhythm of the verses in this song. The subject matter puts me in mind of Tim Sevrin's "Odin's Son" trilogy of historical novels, one of which follows the main character through a period of service in the Varangian Guard. A strong opening riff for a mid tempo tale of Viking honour sets the atmosphere and the song remains strong throughout. One of the highlights of the album.

5. The Hero
A really good song that bogs down a little towards the end lyrically. As much as I love the lyrics of the chorus, they just get repeated too much for my taste at the end of the song. Overall, one of my favourites on the album.

6. Where Is Your God
This song is a serious ass-kicker. Relentless. Punishing. The Asator comparisons are warranted, though I don't think this is quite as strong a song overall. A perfect song for being pissed off too.

7. Live for the Kill
Amazing riffs. Musically I think this is the strongest song on the album. Unfortunately, I've always had a strong dislike of call-and-response type vocals like this song features on the verses. As good as the music is on this one, the vocal style on the verses detract from it too much for me to really like it. Great solo and Apocalyptica's contribution couldn't fit the song any better than it does.

8. Guardians of Asgaard
I really, really want to love this song. I love the subject matter. I love the riffs. As a whole, however, this song leaves me flat. The lyrics are repetitive and a little cheesy at points (though I love the "Three evil giants of the south" line) and the solo seems completely out of place. It just doesn't fit the rest of the song. Lar's guest vocals fit well enough. That being said, I'm really looking forward to this one live. This should be a real ball breaker on stage.

9. Tattered Banners and Bloody Flags
Another mid tempo tune that is not as interesting as the one before. I don't have much to say about this one other than it fails to hold my interest. Not a bad song, just not as strong as many others on the album.

10. Embrace of the Endless Ocean
Lyrically one of the strongest songs on the album. Musically, I find this song uninteresting. Like Tattered Banners, it fails to hold my interest. Again, not a bad song, just not as strong as the rest of the album.

On the whole, I think this album is as strong as With Oden on Our Side musically. Johan's vocals are stellar, the production is excellent, and the riffs are relentless. The guest musicians are interesting and provide an additional dimension without seeming out of place, but I wouldn't want a steady diet of them on future albums. Lyrically, I don't think this is Amon Amarth's strongest album, though there are some shining moments.

Twilight of the Thunder God is going to be duking it out with their last three albums for primacy in my CD player. As much as I enjoy the music on their earlier albums, the maturing of Johan's vocals leads me to prefer from Versus the World on.

Of course, all of this is one man's opinion. Everyone else will have their own.
I agree with you Shadowalker on Guardians of Asgaard, but im afraid thats about it :rofl:
imho but a very nice breakdown of the songs
Yeah I agree that Where is Your God Now? is like a counterpart to Asator

I LOVE this song.....my favorite so far

Can't wait till I get my album in the mail :kickass:
Hmm reading through all the answers I come to the conclusion that this album has something for everyone. Almost every song is among the favorites of somebody and I think the album doesn't have fillers either. Nevertheless, I wonder why Embrace of the Endless Ocean has not received more positve feedback, yet :p While the other songs are faster and more br00tal this one is very emotional and dramatic, maybe that's why :p :headbang:
By the way, the dvd is awesome!

yep it is...and I was there somewhere in the Corwd seeing AA for the first time live.
So this Limited Edition was a must have :D

On Topic:
Tough tough choice.....impossible choice at the moment to be honest.
Maybe after giving this awesome CD some more dozen listens I could choose some....

I can only choose my least favorite song and point out some parts that are not perfect imo ;)

My least favorite is definately Where is your god?
Though I really like the lyrics and the as well the musical arragement in the pre-chorus/chorus I don't get warm with the verse.
Just lacking melody...a bit too fast and rough for my taste ;)

but thats pretty much all I would "critizize" at the moment except for some details...like the pinch harmonics before Roope's solo...or the beginning of the solo in No Fear for the setting Sun.
For theguywiththedrinkinghorn:

Where Is Your God?

The enemy has come for you
Hear the pounding thunder hooves
There´s no time to run or hide
Draw the weapon from your side

When they ride out
From morning mist
With sharp blades in mighty fists
One hundred warriors on horse
An awesome brutal force

You feel weak and scared
Fear has gripped your heart
You will soon be over run
You will soon be torn apart!

Now, where is your god ?
Does he hear your prayers ?
Does he even care for you ?
His silence speaks loud and clear

Raid is done!
See the country burn
All are gone!
Only misery remains
Raid is done!
The warriors return
All are gone!
All that´s left is pain

The vikings strike
So fast and hard
Those who run won´t make it far
And those who choose
To stand and fight
They have made the choice to die

The weapons tear
Through flesh and bone
Dying men that scream and moan
With severed limbs
To the hall of death

The battlefield is full of death
Feel the stench of rotting flesh
When the entire country burns
As the warriors return

And they came out
From morning mist
With sharp blades in mighty fists
They leave this land
All burned and scorn
Those alive will mourn

Now, where is your god ?
Does he hear your prayers ?
Does he even care for you ?
His silence speaks loud and clear

Raid is done!
See the country burn
All are gone!
Only misery remains
Raid is done!
The warriors return

All are gone!
All that´s left is pain
Raid is done
See the country burn,
Only misery remains

All are gone!
Warriors return,
All that´s left is pain
Where´s your god?
Does he hear your prayers?
Does he even care?
Where´s your god?
Does he hear your prayers ?
A silence loud and clear!
My favourite songs are Twighlight of the Thunder God as well as Tattered Banners and Bloody Flags.

Both create a great epic atmosphere and the melodies of both songs' chorus are just awesome.

BTW: I like the whole album a lot and cannot name a bad song :kickass:

The Limited Edition DIGIBOOK is fantastic, too:headbang:
Hmm reading through all the answers I come to the conclusion that this album has something for everyone. Almost every song is among the favorites of somebody and I think the album doesn't have fillers either. Nevertheless, I wonder why Embrace of the Endless Ocean has not received more positve feedback, yet :p While the other songs are faster and more br00tal this one is very emotional and dramatic, maybe that's why :p :headbang:

I agree with you sir. Hell i even caused a lil controversy talkin bout it early cause after hearing it I JUST HAD TO. Embrace of the Endless Ocean is their magnum opus. From the first melody it made tear up cause i had good feelings bout the title when i saw the track listing. It should be played live. They way the lyrics rip into you and the soft melody and the way it changes throughout the whole song and then that great ending. there hasn't been a song like that since 1000 years. and yes i feel the cold icy water too when i play it. It truly is a "Viking Anthem". They better play it on the upcoming US tour.

One more thing to add. With how they ended WOOOS last time with Prediction of Warfare, a good song but not a good finish. THIS COMPLETELY KILLS IT IMO. Not subpar at all. couldn't have ended the album with anything else. Even TBBF wouldn't have been a good of finish as EOTO was.
simple answer to which is the best song(s)

the lot of them, would never be able to say the best, my mind keeps changing all the time