Favorites on TOTTG?

Embrace of the Endless ocean people... give it a chance and you'll see what will happen. The first few times I heard this song I thought it was nothing special. Then I heard people praising it up and down and I was like WTF, it's ok, average at best! I thought nothing fantastic, why are people going on and on about this song??? Sounds like standard AA to me. Then something happened, a switch literally clicked - I finally got what the fuss was about! Can't describe it but now to me this song puts everything else on the CD to absolute shame. I know, it sounds stupid but honestly give it time, you'll see. This is of course after more than 10 listens, this is down the road...

By the way, as for people saying "I thought AA would just go into the studio and record another WOOS"... lol right, the same way ACDC have been trying to record another Back in Black right? You don't just 'decide' to record perfection people... it simply happens and you end up chasing it for the rest of your life. Not as easy as you'd all like to believe. WOOS is something they will probably never achieve again...

This is a VERY solid album.
Varyags of Miklagaard

I like this type of AA songs best. The more laidback melodic ones with epic feel. Reminds me of my fav from the last album, gods of war arise.
Favorite? Well...my favorites, let's put top 3.

#1 Embrace of the Endless Ocean
Very beautiful song, with fantastic atmosphere. I get this weird feeling in my stomach that I can't explain, When I listen to this song.

#2 Twilight of the Thunder God
Title track, really great song. It gets me really. I love Roope's solo.

#3 Guardians of Asgaard
Catchy song which has amazing lyrics. The parts featuring LG fit there extremely well.
Embace of the endless ocean
tattered banners and bloody flags "Nowhere, is longer safe, the earth moves under our feet" \m/ the very best ever
no fear for the setting sun
the hero "show no sympathy, shed no tears for me i know who i am" very strong
guardians of asgaard
varyags of miklagaard
twilight of the thunder god
live for the kill
free will sacrifice
"Now " where is your god? thats fucking right

actually i dont really know if its the correct sort as ill sort'em all as #1, and free will sacrifice #2
Don't really have any favourites or least favourites. After a few spins the entire album just kicks ass, what more can I say :)
Damn you Europeans... all of us have to fucking wait!

Maybe, but you get to see them live.... while we will have to settle for them being a side dish in the Unholy Alliance tour.

*In Arnie voice* stop whining!

My two cents... I am really liking No fear for the setting sun, Variags of Miklagaard and Twillight of the Thundergod. Which was instant :cool:

Its a great album so even if we do not agree.. impossible for any track not to be anyone's favourite.
must admit that it didn't hit me the same way as with oden on our side, which is in my top 5 albums of all time btw. but into day 2 of listening the tracks are really starting to hit the mark.

That's true for me as well. When I first listened to With Oden it was like ..."fuck!...thats got to be the best thing I have heard this year " :headbang:... While with TOTTG you discover something new every time you listen to it, so watch this space, in a few weeks I may like the new album better.
To keep it brief, Guardians Of Asgaard, Embrace Of The Endless Ocean and Varyags Of Miklagaard.
This is what i love about AA. You ask what the best song is and no matter what, opinions are gonna vary. You poll 10 people, and they will come back with close to 10 different answers. Says a lot about their work. For me Where is your god is absolutely awful, amongst their worst ever yet a lot of people seem to like it. Just goes to show.. Same with WOOS, people love Asatar yet i think it's dreadful. Love the difference of opinion.

I agree with you. I think Asator and Where is your God are terrible songs.
I think that Guardians of Asgard is my favorite song on the album. That and the title track. That little part where the tempo goes down on TotTG is my favorite part of the album! So bad ass!
iv listened to the album abit at work the past few days, i cant get past the hero. that song is definately my fav at the moment. my soul is death and misery, i am an evil man.
I don't know really, I'm stuck between "Where is Your God?", "Embrace of the Endless Ocean", or "The Hero".
I gotta give Where is your God? more spins. It just isnt seekin in. Although Asator was the same thing, I didnt listen to it for a good long time, now I LOVE it. SO hopefully :p. But a brief update now.

FREE WILL SACRIFICE has one of the best harmony tremolo riffs I've EVER heard. And the lyrics are fucking spot on with the mood it sets.

This album FUCKS SHIT UP, and I fucking love it. :kickass::kickass:
Embrace of the Endless Ocean is pretty freakin amazing. Ive always admired the mood and brood of some of the AA songs like Hermods Ride and Embrace of the Endless Ocean seems to follow suit. Good stuff.