Favourite Band

This video speaks for itself... and how can anybody deny the fact that the vocals from 3:40 to 3:54 (especially the last 5 seconds) are pure vocal wizardry? :worship: The whole performance is incredible, imo.
(same performance as live album 12:5)


Is it just me, or are the vocal arrangements in SX's Wicked purely amazing? Great writing and performance.
I fucking love Jorn on that album, he's a perfect fit for the deranged material Finn Zierler writes. Kelly Carpenter also did a great job on the second Beyond Twilight record.
Kelly definitely did a great job on Section X, and he has a similar style to Jorn.

And he's even better on this one (although the poor quality on Youtube doesn't help):

His shrieks sound like aged Halford at times, which is awesome. It's also a really good album.
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2nd part of Russell Allen's interview:

Jamie: I know you’ve touched on the Symphony X recording cycle in other interviews, do you think there’s any chance of that getting sped up at all?

Russell: I would like to see it get sped up, my portion of it is always the same. It’s a few months with Romeo, this last one was four months and the reason was my son was born in the middle of the recording process so I had to take a couple weeks to spend with my wife and my new born kid. The other thing was that it was a double album which I’ve never had before, that’s the most recording for one record ever in my whole career so that was another issue. It took a long time to write and record all the vocal parts and arrangements on this one. But in the grand scheme of things it took me an extra five weeks compared to normal. My portion is always the same, I hope that we can get to me sooner and I think that’ll happen. It has to happen, I feel like it has to happen or the band’s going to lose all of it’s momentum. That’s what this band has always done. We’ve been in the clubs our whole career because we’ve never been able to maintain any momentum. We’ve had a lot of cool moments in the sun where we’ve had some nice shows and we did some really cool stuff but the reality is is that here’s a new fanbase again. I look out in the crowd and I recognise no-one. There’s always a few people you know and that you see over the years but nowadays they’re all young faces and fresh faces. It’s like wow it’s a whole new generation. In America it’s even crazier because we’ve never had success there until recently. Now we’re playing big places in the States and we’re having good shows and massive moshpits and security guards and it’s a crazy crazy scene at home but it’s a lot of fun. I think if we can stay on train and get another album out by, I’m gonna throw it out there now, if we can get an album out in say 2013 that would be the ideal time.

Jamie: Awesome, well I won’t keep you much longer but one thing I have to ask: Is there any word on any show, or shows or a mini tour with yourselves and an orchestra?

Russell: I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time. I put that out in the press on the last tour that I’d like to see the band record with an orchestra. Romeo’s talking about it, he wants to do it. It’s a lot of work for him – he has to hire a conductor and all that stuff but I’d like to do that coupled with a DVD shoot, that’s what I’m thinking and I think it would be great for Symphony X. I feel like the fans have waited this long for it, let’s give them something really really good. We wouldn’t make any money off it, with the DVD thing it’s so expensive to produce, I’d be shocked if we turned a profit on it I don’t really care if we do. I just feel like if the band is going to do it let’s do the biggest baddest thing we can do and then make it cool because I don’t want to do it playing down the street at Joe’s bar or whatever – I want to have the full orchestra and a proper venue for that. You need good production for that. All the stuff, so I’m really looking forward to doing it and I know the guys are too, it’s just a lot of logistics. We’re feeling out different people, different places and I would say it’s a year away realistically and if it doesn’t happen this cycle I would be shocked. But Symphony X is it’s own creature.

He's right about what he says, and it all sounds great, but unfortunately I don't have too much confidence in the guys from Symphony X's estimates of when they will be able to do things by. It's good that they are interested in doing this though and if things did happen like he hopes that would be amazing.
New Anathema seems good, judging from the free download single they released. Sorry no link to it, google it :p
Oops. I thought this was the off-topic thread. Oh well. Whisky rules.
I'll fourth (?) it and provide the link:

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