Favourite era Sabbath?


Apr 27, 2004
I'm guessing most of you will say Dio but for me it is definately "Black Sabbath" through "Sabotage"

Although I enjoy the majority of Sabbath albums these ones are just magic. There was chemistry between the original line up that just didn't exist with the others. Ozzy's gloomy vocal tone and Iommi's doomy riffs just fit together so perfectly. Bill Ward's unique drumming style shows up best on these albums and Geezer is spot on as always.

I feel the chemistry was particularly lacking with Dio, they're enjoyable albums but I dunno, it just wasn't Sabbath anymore, the feeling had gone.

What do you all think? (Remember I'm not baging out Dio in any way, I think he's an amazing vocalist and I love his work with Rainbow and Dio and think his work with Sabbath was decent)
Wow, are you opening a can o' worms here, or so I imagine. I'm gonna disagree with you in that I think most here will actually pick Ozzy era (we'll see, just a guess). Speaking for myself, I would have to choose the Ozzy era, all of it, right up through Never Say Die. Technical Ecstacy is questionable, but whatever. I just like that big fuzz-70s-Gibson stuff, and I like it a hell of a lot. Still, I also have to disagree with your statements on the Dio era. After making so many SEMINOLE albums, they came right back and reinvented themselves as an modern era metal band, one of the best at that. I think Mob Rules, Heaven And Hell, and even Live Evil are all fantastic. There is no need to compare the two eras in my mind, as they are seperately great.

But, let's not forget the (however short) Ian Gillan phase. Also amazing. Almost my favorite in ways, if only it had some more records.

Still, hands down, it's the Ozzy era for me. Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, Master of Reality, Sabotage, Volume IV (etc. etc.). This is arguably the foundation of metal as we know it.

Anyway, Sabbath fucking rules.
I LOVE Black Sabbath in general. I love everything in the Ozzy era, with the exception of Never Say Die and Technical Ecstasy, I love everything they did with Dio, including Dehumanizer, i love "Born Again", i love everything from the Tony Martin era, except for "Forbidden". So, as you can see, it's tough to disappoint me when it comes to Sabbath. I love a huge majority of what they've come out with, regardless of era, so, it's actually tough for me to pick, believe it or not.

BUT, having saud all that, i guess i'll have to go with Ozzy, thanks to Master Of Reality, Volume 4 and Sabotage. That's 3 of my top 5 Sabbath albums right there. the other two being The Eternal Idol and Heaven and Hell.
I love every era of Sabbath. They all have alot to offer.

However, I'd have to say that the first Dio era is supreme. IMO, "Heaven and Hell" is the best record ever recorded. However, being that era only produced to stuido albums, it's hard not to ultimately gravitate to the Ozzy days.

But they're all awesome. The largely ignored Tony Martin era is fantastic, as well.

All great stuff.
by far the Ozzy era... everything from their debut album (can u imagine hearing the song Black Sabbath for the first time in 1968? LoL ) to Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.. there is no comparison.. though the other eras were good in their own right there is just something special about the Ozzy era (plus all the classic songs are from that era with the exception of Heaven and Hell) that the others will never match...the one era that comes closest is the Dio era to me... Metal was born with Sabbath and perhaps Metal will die with Sabbath... i guess the same way some people think Punk was born and died with The Ramones and Clash etc (though i dont think it has.. i like the modern punk groups as well even if they know more then 3 chords lol ).. they were at their most evil and heavy sounding from 1968 to 1979 (though i didnt like Sabotage thru Never Say Die) ... but after that I loved the Dio era though i think Tony messed up Heaven and Hell with that godawful guitar solo in the Live Evil album(the man is not much of a live guitarist).. he should of stuck to the solo on the Heaven and Hell album instead...
This may sound a bit contradictory, but here goes. My fav Sabbath era was with Ozzy, yet the two Dio albums are my favorite Sabbath albums. How's that? Well, the Ozzy era lasted a decade with so many classic albums that brought joy to my ears...I have to give them the nod for producing so many killer albums. The Dio era was godly, but only lasted two albums so it takes a close second to Ozzy era. Ian Gillan on Born Again was fantastic too. They didn't start dropping off until Seventh Star, and even that one had some great tunes on it and a legendary singer in Glenn Hughes. After SS, I still bought Sabbath albums, but they never made it into heavy rotation like earlier efforts did.
Trixxi Trash said:
Eternal Idol, Headless Cross & TYR is my fave era. Martin rules!

Hey Trix... i know a band in the U.K. that you might like. not my cup of tea but you might like it.. the band is Spit Like This ... the band site is www.spitlikethis.com .... Greeno and others might like them too.. anyways what is the absolute best Sabbath album outside of the Dio and Ozzy era's peeps? ....
I like the first two albums best, that being said I haven't really got into the later stuff, I should probably check them out soon.
I've lost a lot respect for Ozzy after watching The Ozbournes one too many times and even though it has no relation to the way he sounded back then, I just cant listen to old Sabbath without thinking of Ozzy in the Ozbournes, so I guess I'll go with Dio then.
I like all the Ozzy and Dio albums. I really havent heard much after that, I have Eternal Idol with Martin on it, I dont thinks its that great though. His voice doesn't have enough range for me except on that last track, Eternal Idol.
Sabbath was the most successful band at re-inventing themselves I have ever heard. I like all the eras. Sabbath for the most part has put out at least some brilliant stuff with every vocalist they have recorded with. Having siad that, I like the Dio era followed closely by Martin, then Ozzy.

Tony Martin is one underrated vocalists though. He can hold his own with almost any heavyweight you put in front of him in my ears.

OZZY! I've never been all too fond of Dio except for some hits he made! I must say I really like Heaven And Hell if you see it separate from Ozzy's early Sabbath work but when you compare it to the first 3 BS albums Ozzy definately kicks Dio's ass. He always did that, anyways. But thats just my - humble - opinion!