Favourite era Sabbath?

I'll choose the Halford era - those 2 shows he did with them were the best! lol.

It has to be Ozzy. Sure the Dio/Hughes/Gillan/Martin eras have all had their moments, but if it wasn't for the strength of catalog created from the Ozzy era created, none of those others would have ever made it.
richwithhatred said:
I'll choose the Halford era - those 2 shows he did with them were the best! lol.
Most probably, alas they are "apocryphal" as Ray Gillen era was since they never recorded officially with that line up.

Historically speaking Ozzy has the most important segment since the basis of doom were settled under his helm, but musically speaking Dio era was the best because the heaviness, the class act, the production, the cohesiveness of the songs peaked at "Heaven And Hell" and will never be again at that point.
zeppelin said:
I've lost a lot respect for Ozzy after watching The Ozbournes one too many times and even though it has no relation to the way he sounded back then, I just cant listen to old Sabbath without thinking of Ozzy in the Ozbournes, so I guess I'll go with Dio then.
What's the matter Zeppie? Just can't bear to watch the Prince of Darkness pick up dog shit? :lol:

Personally I get a big kick out of Ozzy in the The Osbournes. I always idolized the man growing up, but now I know he's really not much different from my neighbor! Seeing him in that element didn't damage the respect I have for the man, I found it very entertaining.

I normally hate reality television, but I made an exception with The Osbournes. They couldn't have picked a kookier man to play the lead role and I got many hearty laughs from the Oz-man.

I still crack up everytime I think about that episode where he curses the incoming ocean tide because it is threatening his campfire on the beach.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
What's the matter Zeppie? Just can't bear to watch the Prince of Darkness pick up dog shit? :lol:

I still crack up everytime I think about that episode where he curses the incoming ocean tide because it is threatening his campfire on the beach.

Yeah, I saw that one. Remember the one with the new BMW when he couldn't get the radio to work cause he speaks like a retard " raio on", that was funny. And there was another episode in England when Jack showed his friend all of Ozzy's platinum albums and he just went "that's nice", I mean FFFUUUCK, I would have totaly shat myself :yow:
I still don't like the Price of Darkness being exploited like that though.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
What's the matter Zeppie? Just can't bear to watch the Prince of Darkness pick up dog shit? :lol:

Personally I get a big kick out of Ozzy in the The Osbournes. I always idolized the man growing up, but now I know he's really not much different from my neighbor! Seeing him in that element didn't damage the respect I have for the man, I found it very entertaining.

I normally hate reality television, but I made an exception with The Osbournes. They couldn't have picked a kookier man to play the lead role and I got many hearty laughs from the Oz-man.

I still crack up everytime I think about that episode where he curses the incoming ocean tide because it is threatening his campfire on the beach.

I am with you Ryan. His show actually gave me MORE respect for him. He wasn't being a "sellout" by doing that show. The guy did so much drugs and alchohol in his life, he is shot out. He is a hell of a funny guy, but he is still shot out. I would be willing to bet, though the show is rehearsed and "hollywoodized" to a great degree, it really isn't that far from his real personality and life.
I mean think about it..... you don't think any real celebrity/musician etc. hasn't had to worry about his dog shitting in the house etc. (providing he is a dog owner ?)

zeppelin said:
Yeah, I saw that one. Remember the one with the new BMW when he couldn't get the radio to work cause he speaks like a retard " raio on", that was funny. And there was another episode in England when Jack showed his friend all of Ozzy's platinum albums and he just went "that's nice", I mean FFFUUUCK, I would have totaly shat myself :yow:
I still don't like the Price of Darkness being exploited like that though.
Yeah, that was hilarious listening to him mumbling to the voice recoginition stereo. On the dvds they have an "Ozzy translator", maybe they ought to introduce that into the VR software!

I still don't see Ozzy as being "exploited" though. He agreed to the terms, and he's really just showing what his life is really like. I'd dare Gene and Paul from KISS to do the same thing. We might find out it's not all about naked chicks, satin beds and hot tubs.
Bryant said:
I would be willing to bet, though the show is rehearsed and "hollywoodized" to a great degree, it really isn't that far from his real personality and life.
That's the ONE COOL THING about (some) reality tv...there is no rehearsal. It's all "Hollywoodized" thru the editing process, but it's still real people acting like real people. The Prince of Darkness certainly didn't happily agree to cameras filming him picking up dog shit, but he did agree to cameras filming his every move. That's as close as you're gonna get to sharing the life Ozzy leads.

I still love my Ozzy, MTV "exploitations/sell outs" or not. No better insight into his life than that.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I still love my Ozzy, MTV "exploitations/sell outs" or not. No better insight into his life than that.

Do you ever sleep you fucking homo ? This is my time for posting, not yours !! :loco:

Just joking of course. My yahoo messenger shit wont let me on. I haven't talked to my Son (Wicked Child) in forever, so I think I will start a new identity and we all can bullshit with each other. You like to use messaging programs ? You can show me those boobs you have been growing in private that way.

See? I finally went to bed and didn't see this message until morning! I am a west coaster, so it wasn't that late for me. Called it a night at 12:30. I don't have Yahoo messenger, but wouldn't be a big deal to sign up if we wanted to meet up some time...like the next time we're both prowling in the wee hours.

As for showing you those boobs I'm trying to grow...well, not much to see just yet. I'm scheduling an initial consultation with Wyvern's cousin though. ;)
KMADD said:
Ozzy always first, Dio a close second and Ray Gillen gets an honorable mention
on Born Again. Disturbing The Priest and Zero The Hero are some kickass songs!!!! :rock: :hotjump: :rock:
Ian Gillan :loco:

I like all eras, but have extra special time for the 80s Dio albums cos he is my favourite singer in the world :)