Favourite heavy metal video clips


Active Member
Sep 19, 2018
I'll get the ball rolling with Kreator's "Lost" video clip. Perhaps not my very favourite, but I'll post more as I think of them.

I'm a big fan of the strobe effect, the clay-mation & just the general 90's feel of the video.
Cannibal Corpse - Devoured By Vermin

I really love videos with grainy, dirty looking footage. B+W is always a plus. Corpsegrinder with the blood in his mouth is a cool touch as well.
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Sepultura - Territory

Full marks to the guys for standing around in the mud like that. Looks unreal.
Can't beat this when it comes to psychedelia.

The guy in the background always reminded me of Paul Shaffer, who as we all know is Satan himself.
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Wish they still made metal videos like the ones that have been posted here.