Favourite song lyrics

By the way, besides Metal Skool's brilliance (I may post Fat Girl's lyrics later hahah)... here are some other quotes from songs that I really like.

"I'll enjoy the ride while it lasts, I'd much rather burn out fast"
(Shotgun Messiah - Nowhere Fast)

"I know what I want, and I wanna die
They say I'm too young but that's a dirty lie
I wanna be on my own now
Coz I know what I need (but I don't know how to get it), It's totally out of reach
Yeah I know what I need (but I don't know how to get it)...
So hold on to 18..."
(Black N Blue - Hold Onto 18)

"It's better to burn out, than to fade away"
(Def Leppard - Rock of Ages)

"I've been bought, I've been sold, but I ain't ever gettin' old
Live fast, die young"
(Roxx Gang - Live Fast Die Young)

"I want shiny cars & dirty money, lots of rock & roll
I will live in fame & die in flames I'm never gettin' old!"
(WASP - I Wanna Be Somebody)

I love these ones coz they pretty much sum up the same attitude to life that I have - nothing lasts & nothing is certain, so why waste your youth to save for the future or work towards the future when you'll be old and not be able to enjoy the rewards anyway. I reckon life is made up of the memories you collect, so collect good ones & make the most of it! Plus I don't really wanna get old. I don't care if I die young. I just wanna have fun...

Some other favourites just coz they are cool & sleazy or funny haha:

"To get to my cock she would walk through the flames of hell!"
(Jackyl - She Loves My Cock)

"I made her lean over & she couldn't say no
Then I slipped her the big one, I nearly knocked her out!"
(Danger Danger - Slipped Her The Big One)

Ahh there's too many I could go on forever! So I'll stop there haha. But here are a couple of great lines in ballads that really strike a chord I think...

"And I didn't need to see his face
I saw yours, I saw red and then I closed the door
I don't think I'm gonna love you anymore"
(Warrant - I Saw Red)

"And now I hear you've found somebody new
And that I never meant that much to you
To hear that tears me up inside
And to see you cuts me like a knife"
(Poison - Every Rose Has Its Thorn)
That reminds me of another favourite to add:

"She's only seventeen, her daddy says she's too young but she's old enuff for me!"
(Winger - Seventeen)

The fact that their biggest single was about fucking underage girls is quite hilarious I think hahaha! All In The Name Of... by the Crue as well has some great paedophilia themes hahahaha!
For real this time...

:worship: Alice Cooper :worship: - Freedom (Raise Your Fist And Yell)

We the people of the United States
In order to form a more perfect union

Stop pretending that you've never been bad
You're never wrong and you've never been dirty
You're such a saint, that ain't the way we see you
You want to rule us with an iron hand
You change the lyrics and become Big Brother
This ain't Russia, you ain't my Dad or Mother
(They never knew anyway)
'Cuz I never walk away from what I know is right
But I'm gonna turn my back on you

Freedom, we're gonna ring the bell
Freedom to rock, freedom to talk
Freedom, raise your fist and yell
Freedom to rock, freedom to talk

You're playing God from your ivory tower
Back off preacher, I don't care if it's Sunday
I ain't no angel, but I never felt better
We're a make-up metal generation
We're not as stupid as you want to make us
You better leave us man
'Cuz you sure can't take us
Nobody better tell you how to live your life
You gotta do it on your own

Freedom, we're gonna ring the bell
Freedom to rock, freedom to talk
Freedom, raise your fist and yell
Freedom to rock, freedom to talk

Cuz I never walk away from what I know is right
But I'm gonna turn my back on you

Freedom, we're gonna ring the bell
Freedom to rock, freedom to talk
Freedom, raise your fist and yell
They are awesome lyrics indeed... Alice is the man when it comes to lyric writing.

My favourite lyricists are Alice Cooper, Nikki Sixx, Bret Michaels (he's good ok!), Dio and Jon Bon Jovi (great story telling by JBJ!).
OK, here's some of my fav' lyrics:


As you awoke this morning
and opened up your eyes
Did you notice the tear-stains
lining your face were mine

Don't you wonder, can't you see
what's happening to our lives
I can't keep living this masquerade
When my lonely eyes see only your face at night

I only see in infrared
I can't dream anymore
Can't you see I need, too
I can't stand the pain

You've gathered all my secrets
and I don't know who I am
I even feel alone when you're near
'cause you'll never understand

When we first met I must have seemed
a million miles away
It's strange how our lives have touched
But the time is right
I'll leave tonight
Don't look in my eyes
'Cause you've never seen them so black

I only see in infrared
I can't dream anymore
Can't you see I need to
I can't stand the pain
Def Leppard didn't write "It's better to burn out than to fade away". It was Neil Young, wasn't it? Or did he pinch it from someone as well?

Metal Shop changed management or something, and their management or something owned the rights to the name Metal Shop, so they changed the name.
Dream Theater - Endless Sacrifice :cry:

Cold - lying in my bed, staring into darkness
Lost - I hear footsteps overhead, and my thoughts return again

Like a child who's run away, and won't be coming back
Time keeps passing by as night turns into day

I'm so far away, and so alone
I need to see your face
To keep me sane, to make we whole

(chorus) Try - to stay alive until I hear your voice
I'm gonna lose my mind, someone tell me why
I chose this life, this superficial lie
Constant compromise, endless sacrifice

Pain - it saddens me to know
The helplessness you feel
Your light shines on my soul
While a thousand candles burn

Outside this barren room, the rain is pouring down
The emptiness inside is growing deeper still

You're so far away, and so alone
You long for love's embrace
To keep you sane, to make you whole


Moments wasted - isolated - time escaping - endless sacrifice (x2)

Over the distance, we try to make sense
Of surviving together, while living apart
Striving for balance, we rise to the challenge
Of staying connected, in spite of circumstance

All you've forsaken, and all that you've done
So that I could live out this undying dream
Won't be forgotten or taken for granted
I'll always remember your endless sacrifice
Trixxi Trash said:
"And I didn't need to see his face
I saw yours, I saw red and then I closed the door
I don't think I'm gonna love you anymore"
(Warrant - I Saw Red)
I've always thought those lyrics to be rather amusing. "I don't THINK I'm gonna love you anymore?" What would it take for him to know for sure? Walking in on a gang-bang?
:lol: :lol: Good point actually. Like the start of Old School, what a great film hahaha!

Here is another one I just thought of that I love...

Another star spangled fight
I heard a steel-belted scream
Now I'm back I'm back I'm back
Another sidewalk's bloody dream

I heard the sirens whine
My blood turned to freeze
You see the red in my eyes?
You're gonna take my disease!

Knock' em dead kid...

(Motley Crue - Knock 'Em Dead Kid)

Coz its a true story and the lyrics just have so much power & attitude I reckon! I also like the lyrics in "Bastard" (Fuck Shout At The Devil smacks with attitude doesn't it?)

Out go the lights, in goes my knife
Pulls out his life, consider that bastard dead
Get on your knees, please beg me please
The king of sleaze, don't try to rape me!

And some more brilliant Nikki Sixx writing here... some of the most powerful lines he ever wrote I think:

"And I love you, So I set you free, I had to to take your life"
"Laid out cold, now we're all alone, but killing you helped me keep you at home"
"When you took my lips, I took your breath, sometimes love's better off dead"
(All from "You're All I Need")

Powerful fucking song!
And a bit less depressing...here's one I love because it reminds me of some beautiful people I know :)

Spock's Beard - Wind at my Back

How can you be like a sky stretched out before me
And the world is turning your way, even darkness is better this way
Can it be true that it all comes rushing from you
When my resistance is gone, and there's nothing that I can lean on

(chorus) You are the wind at my back, you give what I lack
You're the jewel in my hand, you're like rain on dry land
You're the focus the beam, you're reality's dream
You're the blue in my black, you're the wind at my back

All of the above, I'II have the lot for my love
And as we're becoming somehow, as we're changing the future to now
I just want to live in the place that you have to give
I'll let the heat beat me down until the water comes down


And my soul has been kissed, just because you exist
You're the dream that's a fact, you're the wind at my back
You're the wish that I make, you're the prize I might take
You're the gold that is free, you're the groom on one knee...


Wenda said:
Aw how kind of you - give us a hug, I don't even mind if you're a Panthers fan :grin:

No wait - do you forgive me for not knowing any Slayer yet? :p
:lol: Well, not KNOWING Slayer is more acceptable than not liking them, I can only assume that if you heard their top 40 smash uber power ballad Dead Skin Mask that you would fall in love with them, just as I have :)

Does anyone else think its funny that instead of telling me to go to hell and that the lyrics she posted had nothing to do with me, Wenda gave me a hug? :dopey: