Favourite song to see the Maidens perform?

Air Raid Siren said:
I absolutely love to sing Rime :Spin: and the Maidens play it great!!:rock:

One of my other favorites is Revelations - It's a beautiful song and has such great lyrics! :worship:

But I must admit, each song has its own special charm!!:p

BTW Great thread, Metallicat!!:grin:
Thanks! :D

Rime seems to be a real fave here - not surprising tho. Best song off Powerslave and you girls play it superbly! :rock:
Air Raid Siren said:
I absolutely love to sing Rime :Spin: and the Maidens play it great!!:rock:

One of my other favorites is Revelations - It's a beautiful song and has such great lyrics! :worship:

But I must admit, each song has its own special charm!!:p

BTW Great thread, Metallicat!!:grin:
I must add, having to choose between Maiden songs is a little like asking who do ya love more, Mommy or Daddy!!! Everytime someone posts a title, I go , "yea, I love singing that one too!!! And the band kicks butt on that one, too!"
to me the best song to see live (in my experience in Montreal Canada) has been Fear of the Dark... I love all the maidens song... everybody whos at the concerts always give all their energy (cuz their so much into it) and then when it comes to fear of the dark.. everything calms down.. light are almost all closed.. a dome of lighters are present!! Its hot shitt!!! and then when the "heavier" part comes on.. well everybody's just wild.. and everybody sing to the : I am the man who walks alone " part at the beggining and then end!! ITS BEAUTYFULL!!! Im the only girl voice I can hear .. the rest is like manly singing!!!! its awesome!! that song and the "entourage" of it will always be on my mind!!!
AHAHAHHAHA sorry about that!! I thought you ment Iron Maiden... Sorry bout that!!! As long as I am here... what are the Maidens?? a cover/tribute band????? -=Cheech=-
Cheech said:
AHAHAHHAHA sorry about that!! I thought you ment Iron Maiden... Sorry bout that!!! As long as I am here... what are the Maidens?? a cover/tribute band????? -=Cheech=-
The Iron Maidens - this is their board you're posting on. They are an all female tribute to Iron Maiden and they kick ass. Go to www.theironmaidens.com and have a look - and listen to them doing The Trooper and Flight Of Icarus.
Cheech said:
Im the only girl voice I can hear ..
Hmmm...we'll have to fix that! :cool:
Vote in the poll for FOD to make your opinion heard!!! Thanks for posting, Cheech! All Maiden fans are welcome here!

Metallicat180 said:
They are an all female tribute to Iron Maiden
WORLD'S ONLY!!! :Spin:

Metallicat180 said:
.and they kick ass...listen to them doing The Trooper and Flight Of Icarus.
Thanks, Metallicat! I have to agree, the girls rock on those tracks. :rock:
We are working on getting my voice on the website demo, so you'll all have a more true representation of what you will hear in concert with us now. Hopefully we can get this done, as well as getting started on the tribute CD vocals, when we get back from Japan. I can't wait!!! :yell: Stay tuned!!!
Sorry bout that I was kinda lost and saw a maiden in concert thing so I had to go post something.... Damn thoses girls kick ass!!! Are they playing the bass, guitars and drums too??? thats some hot shit!!! As a huge maiden fan and a girl I think its about god damn time a girl Iron Maiden cover band is made... Thanx its been good listening to the trooper and flight of Icarus!!!!
Sabbathking said:
Doesn't matter what songs they are playing.Seeing them play is a treat in of itself!:)

My thought exactly! Though I do have a few songs that are my fave's, and its always good to hear them play them. Rime, # of the beast, Wasted Years, Run to the Hills, and Flight of Icarus are kinda on the top of my list right now...... :rock:
Cheech said:
Sorry bout that I was kinda lost and saw a maiden in concert thing so I had to go post something.... Damn thoses girls kick ass!!! Are they playing the bass, guitars and drums too??? thats some hot shit!!! As a huge maiden fan and a girl I think its about god damn time a girl Iron Maiden cover band is made... Thanx its been good listening to the trooper and flight of Icarus!!!!
No need to be sorry! :D

Yes, the girls play all the instruments as well. :rock:

I know what you mean about being a girl and Maiden fan, I am a huge Maiden fan and to see fellow females up there kicking ass playing my favourite songs is so great! And as a guitar player myself, I find them a huge inspiration because they are playing songs I've tried so hard to play myself and it encourages me to keep at it and maybe one day be able to play as good as them.
Fav song...Killers. Rime, Revelations, Where Eagles dare are some great ones too! ...and the Iron Ladies do one helleva job playing them...oh I can hear it now!!! Even boots & # get my blood a flowin too. I can see Sara up there getting into it and jumping up and down! :hotjump:
This is a tough question to answer... I've been lucky enough to have seen 18 Maidens shows and there's some favorite moments that I hope to hear/see at each one. The Galaxy has been my only show with the current lineup. Since I can't pick just one song, here's a few favorite moments for each band member...

Linda - Kicking the band into overdrive near the end of 2 Minutes- pounding the drums and then the earsplitting cymbal crashes before the body bags verse.

Wanda - The Trooper and of course her precision on Rime.

Jojo - Wasted Years and her smile while stepping out front playing it.

Sara - Ultimate shredding on Phantom of the Opera.... and the beginning part of Iron Maiden.

Aja - The boundless energy jumping out, running around the stage and kicking ass like Bruce himself on Be Quick or Be Dead.

Honorable Mention: Die With Your Boots On cuz the band just plain rocks out on it and my neck can't stop snapping when I hear it. And Remember Tomorrow... I'm still stunned to have heard it live.

The world's best tribute band! Arigato gozaimasu Iron Maidens!