Favourite (Underrated) Thrax Songs....


Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
This thread has been done before ...but lets start some healhty debate eh?
It's Sunday and I am stuck at fucking work... o_O

Anyway onto the topic at hand.... basically we all have our Anthrax classics, Caught in a Mosh, I am the Law, Only, etc, etc.... but how about some of your other fav's that my not really be on everyone's first choice list...

Invisible (best fuckn intro!!!)
Any place but here
and my be all end all (no pun), Time (oddly this is my all time fav thrax song as the lyrics are basically my motto in life!). :headbang:
I'm with ya on Time. I think that's the best Joey song ever. Love the solo too.

My other favorite underrated gems are Born Again Idiot and Poison My Eyes. When that breakdown hits at the 2 minute mark in Idiot I lose it. Poison My Eyes should've made the final cut on SOWN. Awesome song.
Yep Poison is just FUKN awesome... in fact some b sides and other shit they have done are classic too... I love Bordello of Blood they did for that Dracula 2000 movie (I think it was for that film).

Speaking of `Time' ... at the end of NFL on GO2E when they crank up the intro to Time ... FUCK WHAT A TEASE THAT IS!!!!!!!
Bordello of Blood was for the movie 'Tales from the Crypt Presents:Bordello of Blood.'

..and it's an awesome song.

But I dig on 'Black Lodge', 'Invisible' (best OUTRO ever) and 'Poisen My Eyes'.

Its killer how 'Invisible' seems to just grind to a slow halt. :headbang:
S.S.C./Stand or Fall
Sodium Penathol
American Pompeii
Grunt & Click
Anyplace But Here
Poison My Eyes

Anthrax, a disease of metalfans, is caused by a group of New Yorkes and a guy from LA. Anthrax has an almost worldwide distribution and is a zoonotic pleasure, meaning it may spread from animals to humans (see Basket Full Of Puppies). All mammals appear to be susceptible to Anthrax to some degree, but ruminants such as thrashmetalfans, longhairs, and goatees are the most susceptible and commonly affected, followed by SOD-fans, and then swine.
Subjugator, SSC, Skeletons In The Closet, Out Of Sight Out Of Mind, Discharge, Burst, Nothing, Harms Way, Any Place But Here
(from each album)
I've seen 1000 points of hate live !!! It was truly a highlight of that tour for me, along with Caddilac. Damn shame they got rid of those songs from their set list.
In a Zone.

This song makes me go fucking nuts everytime I listen to it. Fucking heavy as hell, I think I will put it in now....