fawking wetawded


Martriden K
Jan 8, 2004
Spokane WA.
:hotjump: So I go into Hastings today. The only place in this cow-town that sells a decent number of MEtal Band albums. I go...I pick up the soilwork album, and I check fo rany other CDs they might possibly have that I"m interested in. They had AGalloch's Mantle..which was cool, but..I already have. And they had a bunch of emperor..which I also already had. Then I go, "Hey...Maybe they got the new Enslaved album, Isa." So I check....I've been checking this weekly as I really want this album, but never think about it unless I'm at the store. Anyway...the last month htey've not had ANY Enslaved! And today they HAD ENSLAVED. THEY HAD BELOW THE LIGHTS! 4 COPIES OF BELOW THE LIGHTS.

WHAT THE FUCK. Why did they get that album? Why did they not get ISA! or 4 different Enslaved Albums? Why do they do this retarded shit! Fucking iritating.

Its fuckin bullshit people. BULLSHIT.
I order most of mine too. My credit card bill could fund a private space program right now and I am tryign to cut back my online expenses....and failing miserably.
Profanity said:
Only * people buy their albums from music shops. True metalheads order all their albums.
ahah, I used to buy cds in stores, now I order all of them... well almost all of em.
They're doing like this one European gig somewhere in two months or something...gotta check it out :p
oh yeah, summer breeze
the rests in fucking finland and latvia