February 6th people


The two friends I was supposed to come with aren't coming anymore, I am not getting responses for my rideshare offers and now the storm.

To be continued

Edit: I think I'll make it.
Made it to New-York, and I must say that I am reallllly bummed out. Every single step to make it happen was a pain in the ass.

I am a pretty naïve person after 2 and a half hours of sleep and the 8 hour ride from home, I was pretty much dead when I got in the stone. The fact that the first thing I did when I got in New-York was to spend 2 hours trying to reach 2 people for a ride share confirmation got me even more exausted.

Anyway.. At the show, I was in the first row, enjoying everything, but I didn't exactly understand the two set principle... I had never seen that before .I didn't hear the doorman asking to clear the room at the end of the first set and didn't pay attention to people leaving as I was sitting and waiting for the right time to talk merch with Toby. Then I was asked to get out, and I wasn't able to get in for Coyote. I can't say that the doorman was very comprehensive about my situation, but I know that it was 100% my fault and I had to assume it.

Oh and to XFER... I wanted to eat at Kat'z for diner, but they only did takeouts and I had been freezing my ass off outside for an hour when I got there. Thanks for your suggestions though, I really appreciated it! I ended up eating at the sketchy falafel place on 2nd street/avenue B. The guy there was AWESOME. He was kind enough to let me use my calling card on his cellphone and ended my rideshare planning stress so that I could finally head to the stone.
simon, I'm glad you made it in for Choirs! there were about 30 people in line (for 68 slots) when I arrived at 7pm. whoa! all said and done, around 30 people were stuck outside when Choirs started, including our sister, and some high school kids who had driven down from CT, and some people up from Georgia, I believe.

the second set (Coyote) was also great, but I also suffered from the two-set thing...I went outside, got back in line, and was one of the last people let back in--they cut off people just a few behind me! and I had come right out after the first set!

some people had driven up from Florida and luckily made both sets...

anyway, I know Toby & co. were happy to see all the dedicated fans!
I did enjoy choirs! My tiredness took away some of the sensations and made the night more frustrating than it should've been but yeah.. if I look back at things, I can say that I did enjoy the show quite a lot.

Ah well it does suck that a lot of people missed a set, but it's very nice to see the interest. The band definitly deserve it.
I think it was just reflective of the special nature of the show...The Stone is not a rock club whose purpose is to make money and pack in as many people as possible and sell them beer (hell, the high school kids paid $5 a head to get in), but a small space for musicians to play for other musicians. There's usually only 20-30 people in attendance for most of the shows I've seen there...almost all NYC avant-garde musicians.

anyway, I think it was just really valuable to have been able to see what I saw.
xfer said:
anyway, I think it was just really valuable to have been able to see what I saw.

I agree with you.

Update: this trip got me sick haha... Pretty intense fever and cough today. I think it's from the tap water in lake George. Took one big sip and nearly vomited because of it.
I'm happy hearing about this. @Simon: Shame the journey was such a burn out mate. Choirs is just life affirming and totally worth travelling for, I looked into the logistics of getting to NY from the UK, but I know from other shows that coupled with the excitement and anxiety, the travelling can be really grim. After hearing about how it was arranged, I'm fairly glad I didn't do it in the end. If I'd been stuck outside, it would have been worse than the time I went to the zoo, and didn't have enough money to get in. And their were fire foxes in there and it was up a mountain. Man. It was bad. Anyway, I saw Ulver in London this week instead!

Did anyone see anything else wonderful at these shows/presentations worth sharing? Terran's Nevsky Prospekt stuff? Tartar Lamb II?
I've seen a lot of these shows so far...Nevsky Prospekt was absolutely amazing. Here's a review I found online:


it was just what I wanted, basically...portions of the story projected onto the screen (re-ordered from Gogol's original) with accompanying music that reflected what was going on in the story. really good.

Byron's ritual was fascinating. Only a small crowd attended (it was the night of a snowstorm and NYC had already cancelled school the next day, so I think that was part of it), but it blew us away. Byron performed the ritual fully nude and then afterward dressed and came back out and walked us through the symbolism, etc. again. I can't stress how creepy and serious it was--clearly Byron has spent years studying and perfecting this stuff. Also, apparently "H.B.", the worldwide leader of the OTO, slipped in and watched part of it before slipping out?