Feel the 'power' of Weakness

Hypnos said:
Damnation should have ended with 'Ending Credits' which is, of course, the best track of the whole album

Yeah, that stupid album has too many endings. A third of the album is "last songs," first "To Rid the Disease" sounds like a closer, and then there's "End Credits" which is like OK THIS IS THE END CREDITS AFTER THE LAST SONG, and THEN there's weakness at the end. I fix this problem by always turning it off after end credits :rock:
HaloPhenomenon said:
Dev: So opeth is like every other band?

No but they aren't more experimental than 10000000 other bands. They have their sound , slightly evolving with each album and that's it.
There is absolutely nothing experimental about any aspect of Weakness. If you really think so then you need to broaden your musical horizons a bit. It's just a bit of ambient noodling. And not a very interesting bit at that (certainly not when you take into account it's coming from gifted writers/musicians like Mikael and Steven). To me it just sounds like a "Well, we need something to fill up a few more minutes, let's just make something up on the spot so we can go home" kind of track. It's not unbearable, but also not interesting in any way. And I agree with Hypnos that Ending Credits should have been the end of the album. It sounds like a closer (both musically and the track title). Weakness is just an anti-climactic ending.
Yeah I think its a great song

It really grew on me, I didn't care for it at first but I love it now

Listening to that just before Wreath or The Leper Affinity is :rock:

opeth_353 said:
I really don't think Orchid is that good lol. In Mist She Was Standing, Forest Of October, Requiem .. those are the only tracks i adore on that album.

wtf is wrong with you?


Have you even heard The Twilight Is My Robe? One of Opeth's most headbangable moments
There is absolutely nothing experimental about any aspect of Weakness. If you really think so then you need to broaden your musical horizons a bit. It's just a bit of ambient noodling. And not a very interesting bit at that (certainly not when you take into account it's coming from gifted writers/musicians like Mikael and Steven). To me it just sounds like a "Well, we need something to fill up a few more minutes, let's just make something up on the spot so we can go home" kind of track. It's not unbearable, but also not interesting in any way. And I agree with Hypnos that Ending Credits should have been the end of the album. It sounds like a closer (both musically and the track title). Weakness is just an anti-climactic ending.
well said. point.
Weakness is beautiful and also very sad. I've cried to it a few times actually. It reminds me of a Nine Inch Nails song, although i'm not a big fan of them at all.
I adore the simplicity and sadness of Weakness. Not very many people it seems appreciate that. What a bummer.

And yes, forests are awesome. Hehe.