Feelings on the M-Audio Profire 2626


I am using their Project Mix, it's really nice for the price. Also, their Solaris mic does good stuff to thrash vocals.

I have a solaris and I hate it. Horrible disgusting top end.:Puke:

It is however true that M-audio products quality has increased substantially in the last couple of years.
I bought their top of the line studio monitors (DSM3) and I can safely say that they are a real bang for the buck.

Back on topic:
I have a pair of 2626's.
Can't complain. Had a few blue screen problems that I solved by not using it as a multimedia interface.
Younger people should be aware that this level of quality at this price was nothing short of science fiction not so long ago.
Ah yeah, sorry to say the unit definitely does perform better on OSX :( Haven't had a single issue to date with mine (I use an iMac, and a G5 before it) but I have read many a horror story from Windows users getting BSOD's for no good reason because of them. For instance, you can't unplug the 2626 or turn it off while the computer is on or else you get BSOD. If mine gets turned off or unplugged I can just turn it on/reconnect and go back to whatever I was doing.
so I bought it
being shipped my way now
I will let you guys know what I think of it when i use it for a few days and if there are any problems
but everyone is so helpful! thanks =]
I've never had a BSOD using my Profire with Vista or with Win7. However, if it gets unplugged, I do have to restart my computer...But the M Audio literature states that the computer should be off when the unit is turned off anyway.

I've actually never had a BSOD in all the time I've been recording, both with my old Firepod/Vista setup and now the Profire/Vista and Profire/Win7 setups. The M audio Profire's software mixer will stop often, though, and I'll need to reopen it (with windows 7, that is).
I'm selling my Profire 2626. It's pretty much brand new with the box and all, never racked. I used it for a few hours, but realized that it's not going to work with my setup (MIDI).

PM Me if you want to buy it...or take pictures or whatever. It's seriously brand new.
This unit gave me BSOD after BSOD on Windows XP. Not sure what you're OS is. I use a new interface now on a Mac, so I can't help you there. I only use the 2626 these days when I need extra pres and go ADAT out into my Liquid Saffire 56