fellow 'stralians


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
I'm producing Australia's "Lucy's Doll" atm we tracked drums, guitars and vocals at my place, undortunately the bassplayer couldn't make it to germany for recording, so he's gotta track bass in Australia. Unfortunately the budget doesn't allow him to get to Melbourne (I know there are some sneapsters in Melbourne), so I'd like to know if someone here would be able to track bass around the brisbane-area (tight budget!)?
the bassplayer is well prepared and would need only one day.
Sorry im near melbourne. Otherwise i would do it for you.

Most Aussies here i have noticed are in the melbourne area.
Isn't there something like Mitfahrzentrale/carpool in Australia? Otherwise just program the friggin bass - nobody will notice anyway unless he plays Claypool-like shit. :)

Quite strange that the band can fly to Germany for recording, but the bassplayer can't fly to Melbourne? :)
Can't he borrow some money for a cheap interface with decent pre's and A/D like Emu0202 then send you the DI?
yeah, that was the initial thought, just let him track the DI himself (he even has an interface)...
he's just not too experienced with recording (like DOING the actual recording himself, he's been in some studios though) and I'd prefer if he could just concentrate on his playing instead.