rahvin said:!no, seriously?? now that is something new, a male fan looking for female fans...
and i thought i had seen it all.
italvamp2378 said:Where in NY are you, if you don't mind me asking?
Shogunaut said:Yeah. I live in the Bronx, there are a lot of slutty girls around here and not enough good ones. Besides I've already banged whoever I wanted to fuck anyways.
MDB Dan said:This has all turned a little mysogonistic...
wingnut4 said:hehehehe im a female katatonia fan...........but im taken too...hehe but there is loads of female katatonia fans!
but its great at gigs when going to the toilets cause u dont really have to cue up and its alsdo great when u go to a big concert and they sepreate the cues, girls and guys,lol
TonightsMusic said:I am a big fan but I so far from you ,...
Spoon said:Im not quite sure here, but i think most girls get into REAL metal through their boyfriends or something like that.
italvamp2378 said:I'm not quite sure I liked that statement. I knew about a lot of bands such as Type O NEgative, Life Of Agony, Madball before I met my boyfriend. (This is back in 1996).