Female voices?

daimonion said:
No. Not on the mentioned song. Thats Liv Kristine.
AARGH. I was almost at the bottom of the thread, ready to show my coolness and totally pwn some dudes, and I get beaten. GRRR

She's the ex-singer of Theatre of Tragedy
Draconian is more similar to My Dying Bride with female vocals... I don't think Opeth's music, unless it becomes something quite different, needs a female vocalist. What they need is 80 per cent fucking growling and a little 20 per cent clean vocals. Now that you mention Draconian, I'm actually looking forward to their new CD, which is due soon, I think.
Yeah. I just found out about them while downloading bands with cool names the other day. It's my way of finding new artisits, and it definitely worked this time. I went ahead and ordered their "Where Lovers Mourne" CD from my local shop. I can't wait.

I've never heard My Dying Bride, so I can't really compare. But, the style of the female vocals is something I could see in an Opeth song. Mikael has a knack for working things around, so it's more than plausible, in my opinion. The song "Silent Winter" from Draconian is what made me think of bringing it up.
Cia Hedmark would be nice in a very non-overbearing way. Humming a.k.a Green Carnation's Journey to the End of the Night might also be cool.
Rahan said:
You don't know My Dying Bride ? :OMG:

Run to the store now !

Lol. I've heared OF them, but I haven't heard any of their stuff. But, to be fair, my playlist pretty muh consists of Metallica, Opeth, Amon Amarth, and Anaal Nathrakh right now. I don' know why, but I've just been in the mood for certain bands lately. I'll get back to my usual "download random bands off this FTP to see what they're like" soon. I promise.
@Hypnos- I actually don't know very much about Cradle. I had to ask a friend what the woman's name was, and he's into Cradle.

On a side note, I was browsing the Cradle boards and found a few disturbing tidbits of proof that they all blow. One was that half of the people there didn't know who Abbath was. The other thing was that... they brought up that a few riffs in the Nymphetamine album were taken directly from DaaD. EVERY SINGLE PERSON that replied to this thread said it was a good thing they did it because it shows that the album is Cradle's. I think I speak for most people when I say buying the same album twice is a bad thing...
NineFeetUnderground said:
is there a reason why the majority of people on here know so much about cradle of filth?

people claim im some elitest...but with a percentage like that...how is it avoidable?

But Tori Amos is a better singer than the girl from Paatos.
Gunhaver said:
keep avoiding my dying bride at all costs. you'll regret it if you listen to them, even for a second

I don't know. I listen to Anaal Nathrakh, if that gives you a perspective of my limits. I'm always willing to try a band once. If I don't like it, deleted. If I do enjoy it, I go out and buy the album in most cases. Worth a shot either way.
NineFeetUnderground said:
is there a reason why the majority of people on here know so much about cradle of filth?
I guess they don't, seeing as I thought CoF already had a lead female vocalist. :rolleyes:

Oh, and as always, I can see how just about any new element could be worked into 'the opeth sound'.... As to whether it was pulled off succesfully, well that's a whole different matter, but then again Mike and the lads seem to have a pretty good track record so far.

Now, if they could get something going like the male/female vox as seen in Sanctum's "Lupus In Fabula", now THAT would be something to behold! *drools at the thought*
they should get Amy Lee of Evanescence to sing with Mikael. Opeth will be climbing the charts like a motherfucker!!

Shoot me, but I dig Amy Lee in several ways :)