Fenix show


That's gonna leave a mark
Dec 13, 2002
Spokane, WA
Top shelf all the way! They simply did what we all know they do every time... play hard, play well and kick ass!

I also want to thank you ladies and gent for letting me hang in your world. It certainly felt like being with old friends. And now I'm off to sort tonight's booty. Stay tuned!
alanbirdsell said:
Top shelf all the way! They simply did what we all know they do every time... play hard, play well and kick ass!

I also want to thank you ladies and gent for letting me hang in your world. It certainly felt like being with old friends. And now I'm off to sort tonight's booty. Stay tuned!
Thanks for coming down to hang with us. Can't wait to come back! Maybe next time we can include Spokane so you won't have to drive so far!!! Can't wait to see what that incredible new lens caught! :wave:





Bush Whacker said:
Hey, Alan:

Is this shot supposed to look like this because the lights happened to be on at the moment you took the shot or did you have the aperature of the camera wide open or keep the shutter open for an extended period of time?

Great shot; just wondering about the technique. :)
It's a setting on the camera normally used for shooting portraits and is meant to be used while the camera is on a tripod and the subject stationary. The flash fires but the aperature remains open for however long for the background light to fill in. I used this technique to get some trippy shots of the guitar player for No Quarter doing the violin bow thing during Dazed and Confused... Can you say tracers :D

Thanks for posting the shots, Alan! You always capture really killer live shots! You get the vibe thang!! It was our pleasure to see you again and have you as part of the team! It's been waaaaay too long, and it went by waaaaay too fast!!
Doodoobubbachuck said:
Thanks for posting the shots, Alan! You always capture really killer live shots! You get the vibe thang!! It was our pleasure to see you again and have you as part of the team! It's been waaaaay too long, and it went by waaaaay too fast!!
It has been way tooooooo long and was way toooooo short. BUT, the pleasure was all mine! Well.... OK, I'll share :D I hope you can use these. Let's do it again soon!