Greatest show ever!!!

I don't think there would've possibly been a better way to celebrate this "mexican" day. The setlist was great! Me and my wife enjoyed every minute while these five enormously talented girls showed us that they can kick ass the same way (or even better) than the actual maiden.
I couldn't take my eyes off of Wanda, not only cause she's beautiful but mostly because of her amazing bass playing!
Excellent musicians all of them, and very cute girls! I highly recommend the show! and thanks for not having a Janick in your line up!!
Archmagician said:
Damn you ladies rock! I already knew that, but watching you girls jam and work the crowd is a thing of beauty! :notworthy

All of them are great at working the crowd. Although when the Marsh madness gets going the crowd really likes that. :kickass:

Sara can be such a maniac up there. :rock: :kickass:

Hi my name is Julian , and Im a big fan of this talented band.

special thanks to Wanda , shes realy cool!!:rock: and beautifull!







Im the one in the red shirt.
Found my face, the one next to the blue beer glass, hell yeah, the best thing tha happened to me that night was looking MiniMurray into the eyes, hehe, great, and, having the autograph from Aja and Sara, thanks! please come back soon.
Air Raid Siren said:
Welcome to our boards, sKoReA! :rock:

Wooow thank u very very much, I´ll never ever forget that concert This thursday September 21, I´ll turn 18 years old, so that concert was like my bithday party, and It really kicked ass, thank u soooo much, I love all you girls.

Air Raid Siren said:
Why then, Happy Birthday sKoReA! :kickass:

And thanks for joining us, juanpablo6, Julian and johny as well! :kickass:
I hope I didn't miss anyone! :hypno: This is probably the biggest group who's joined us after a first show! Viva Mexico! :rock:

Thanks for the welcome Aja , hope you come back soon!!:kickass: :kickass:

Viva México :kickass:

up the maidens!!

Air Raid Siren said:
Why then, Happy Birthday sKoReA! :kickass:

And thanks for joining us, juanpablo6, Julian and johny as well! :kickass:
I hope I didn't miss anyone! :hypno: This is probably the biggest group who's joined us after a first show! Viva Mexico! :rock:

Oh tanks thanks thanks, I dont even have words to thank u, if possible please add me ,I would love to chat with u not only as a fan but as a friend :)
Keep rocking :rock:
