festivals 2k5

Fucking Nummirock, or maybe rather fucking Tuska for not having Primordial. The hell with Dimmu Borgir or Accept.
But at least I'll be enjoying lots of good thrash at Tuska.
TheFourthHorseman said:
Fucking Nummirock, or maybe rather fucking Tuska for not having Primordial. The hell with Dimmu Borgir or Accept.
But at least I'll be enjoying lots of good thrash at Tuska.

Hehe don't be so grumpy!
Dimmu Borgir will really kick some ass and Nummirock is the bestest fest just because of Moonspell. Sentenced is also a nice and warmly welcomed band where- and whenever. <3
Well it's going to be Tuska (only on friday though), Ilosaari and Sauna Open Air for me. Can't wait to see Megadeth in Sauna, since we can finally solve a bet made ages ago with a friend (= Which singer has the worse live-voice: Alexi Laiho from Children of Bodom or Dave Mustaine from Megadeth)... From what I've heard of Megadeth live, it's going to be a tough call. ;)
*Mourns the fact that he will miss Evergrey in Tuska*
indeed mourn, evergrey rule!
and btw that metaltown festival looks really good, lucky swedes ;)

so my plans for the rest of the festivals (after the great rockhard open air) start to be more concrete:

24.6. - 26.6. Tolmin, Slowenia
With Full Force
1.7. - 3.7. Löbnitz, Germany
Summer Breeze
18.8. - 20.8. Abstgmünd, Germany
Up From The Ground
26.8. - 27.8. Gemünden, Germany

and I think I will do Kaltenbach Open Air as well :) lets see
funny stories from the rockhard festival (please add ur things here daniel ;) )

- my drunk dutch mate dancing on the table in the press/vip tent
- the guys from wolf totally pissed asking every girl if they can fuck her (I still cant believe they meant that serious hahahaha)
- the bassist of wolf pissing in the river in front of the backstage entrance (I was waiting for him falling into it as drunk as he was lol)
- the very same guy getting into the photopit to ask again a girl if she wants him, getting thrown out by the security
- the drunk viking horde saturday morning with the mud in their face, weirdo
- the polonaise during sonata arctica
- the guy who is at every festival with the dog costume (I'll post a picture)
- the drunk 19 year old girl at her first festival who asked everyone in the press tent to sign her pants
- dannys girlfriend and me headbanging like hell on "roots" in the metaltent on saturday night (that was just great fun)

more to follow ;)
- our after show party (the one and only)
- a friend and me asking lots of girls if they'd kiss us (needn't be mouth) (OK, Wolf were better...)
- us all during the a s party trying to buy beer in the metaltent (the guy: "No, there's nothing left and I won't open a new barrel!" me: "50 liters? WE WILL DRINK IT ALL ALONE!!!" - we were 4 people... but we would have)
- the guys from Abandoned trying to sell me their CD's, can't explain but they managed to...
- a friend telling me he'd give me a beer if I asked a girl if she wanted to f**k me... "What did you say? Go away or I'll beat you up" - "Thanks, I just won a beer! Have a nice festival!" *going-away-with-a-big-smile*

...other things I can't remember any more...
Hahaha... I loved your anegdotes :)
The only similar thing is maybe Biker Days in my hometown. It takes place at the end of July and lasts for 3 to 4 days. It's just soooo much fun there. Can't wait to go there this year :)

Anyways, keep posting funny things that occured :)
Iron Maiden are playing in Graz on 31st May and I'm REALLY thinking of going.. the ticket is damn expensive, but hey, it's MAIDEN we're talking about here :)
Just wanted to ask someone and DL1 will prolly know.... how big is Stadthalle in Graz? Any pics or links are very welcome ;)
hm I'm sorry I cant help, I was in Graz just once to see a gig, what was Anathema (of course) in the Orpheum... Graz is quite far away from here (6 hours) so I hardly go to gigs there and also Maiden wont work as its a tuesday :( I'm sorry but hm, check out this forum: http://www.rockthenation.at/apboard2/
there must be a thread about it somewhere or u just could ask, there are many ppl from Graz there as well :)

btw I will do the Carpe Noctem Festival in Wiesen it seems, Anathema are playing *happy*
Okay... I've actually found some pictures and it looks pretty neat :) I'll think about it seriously, hehe... Thanks anyway!

Oh.. another one on your list... well, you just don't stop, don't ya? :p Have fun, girl ;)