
Erm for me possibly graspop, wacken, bloodstock (if the majestic metalheads dont have the fanclub meeting around that time and thats the Majesty fanclub in case you dont know what im talking about) and then to round off the year Ill be heading off back to Keep It True V

:grin: :D
I'm going to these for sure:-

Rock the Boat Festival (Norway) with Pagan's Mind & Masterplan, 22nd April, plus
Pagan's Mind 'Enigmatic Calling' Launch Party & Concert in Norway on 29th April

Firefest, Bradford, 7th May

Bloodstock Open Air & Indoor - Although I'm not too impressed by the line up at either, guess I'll be doing a lot of socialising.

Prog Power Europe October 2005 (Pagan's Mind again)
I think their reasoning behind not selling day tickets was because it's become quite popular this year and it seems as if it's going to be full enough with just those who want to be there for the whole weekend. They did day tickets last year though. Then again only about 2000 people were there then.
I know quite a few people who are not going because there are no day tickets. I know it's a fine line for festival organisers, and they have their reasons, and I hope it pays off for them. ...and the weather holds!
I know quite a few people who are not going because there are no day tickets. I know it's a fine line for festival organisers, and they have their reasons, and I hope it pays off for them. ...and the weather holds!

Seconded Jon. I don't agree with this decision at all. I think it was taken in the belief that people would just buy full festival tickets instead ... which doesn't appear to be happening tbh. I think it's a question of seeing if attendance over the weekend justifies this or not. Maybe it's something they will revise for next year if they don't get the attendance they are after.

For those who are going see you there!
some people cant get time off and would just go say on the saturday
some people dont like camping and would just go one day as well i know a few people like this ...

i think they are missing out by not doing this .. most fests over the dtich offer this

but then again i have never organised a festival so its just my outside opinion
My feeling is that surely it's better to get people to the festival for one day rather than put them off going altogether (as a lot of people I know have been).

I think that the people who go for the whole weekend experience will go regardless, and all you do now is lose the income from those who would have popped up for the Saturday maybe, and don't want to camp etc.

But, yeah, it's all speculation on my part too...