Fidelman mixing the next Gojira album? (fuuu!)

This guy is about as useful as sending a deaf guy into the studio to mix an album. In fact, a deaf guy would probably do a much better job (based on some of the albums I'm aware of by this guy, unless there is that rare chance he actually mixed something that sounded at least okay)
^ Fuck that noise, I'd rather wallow in premeditated disappointment thanks to internet conjecture thank you very much. I shall remain at this level of disappointment even if I fucking love the album, so I can say "told ya so!" to everyone.

Jokes aside... nevermind Gojira, how is this guy still working full stop? I'm with Ermz. Oh well, maybe they'll be so awesome it smashes through his lack of skill :lol:
Well sure we'll wait until we pass the final judgement, but given the guy's horrible track record (come on, World Painted Blood is nigh unlistenable!) we can't have our hopes up now can we...

And honestly, don't the bands know by know? Do the labels just plug the guy? Jeess...
He obviously is in the business due to connections, that is the ONLY explanation I can think of, because doing the so many records he did one would think his quality would arise, not the other way around, it looks to me that he's like one of those retard kids that come out of SAE thinking they're bauss and never progress from there, that's it, end of the line there. Why would any artist in their right mind hear his discography and go for him? o_O
The answer to all your questions is RICK RUBIN.

Fidelman works for him, thus getting the job for Metallica and Slayer. Simple as that.

The real question is how come bands with 25 years studio experience didn't fire his useless ass!!!
"The quartet is currently without a label home, having parted ways with Listenable Records after the release of 2008's "The Way Of All Flesh"."

Oh, the irony.