
It's a very unhealthy way to lose weight... probably the MOST unhealthy way. It's a mental illness, and saying that you can moderate it is like saying being Paranoid/schitzophrenic is good because you don't have to worry about geing screwed over, cause you pay enough attention to not let it happen.

if you really want to lose weight, you can start eating mainly vegetables and fruits and avoid caloric food; that way you'll lose weight and people won't think what you're doing is stupid. because what you think of anorexia and bulimia is totally stupid.

val (eating some pasta :D )
Absolutely... I've lost 20 lbs in the last 3 months just from changing my eating habbits and eating healthier.

I stopped eating breakfast.... large lunch, and Jamba Juice for dinner, and turned the late night snacks from Cheesecake (and stuff like that) to pistachios.

I can't see how someone would think that vomiting or starving yourself is a "good" way to loose weight.. just because it may work and youmay not think there are side-effects, there can be major problems that come with this. You lose weight because your bodyis wasting away, not because you're becoming more healthy. What's more important, looking good (though I think anorexics and bulimics are hideous) or actually being healthy?!

Is eating your vegetables and maintainingyour portions so terrible that you'd rather wither away by puking or starving? Jeez.. pass the brussel sprouts over that ANY DAY! If your only reason for this is to lose weight then that's just a ridiculous rationality for you to get away with it - it's unhealthy, there is nothing good about it at all.. ever! Jeez, take some PhenFen instead, I bet even that would be better for you. (though it's obviously very dangerous)

I've lost 20 lbs since last April and I could have lost more if I wanted to (any more and I'd be disgustingly scrawny!) You want to know what I did? I limited my portions of food. THAT'S IT! I'm a lazy college student so it wasn't exercise. I eat crap like Doritos, Ramen Noodles, Hot Cocoa, all day long and I still drop the weight. Granted it's different for everyone, but I bet it will help if you just eat less at eat meal. Eventually your stomache (which is like a stretchy pouch.. the more you put in it, the more it stretches, but eventually it will bounce back if you stop filling it as much each time... a big fucking stupid move for bulimics to gorge and puke! They did exactly the opposite of what they intended) will not need as much food for you to be full and thus you can stop eating so much at each meal.

This is a very unhealthy way to live and I hope that you see that very soon before it's too late! You may not be doing this, but it seems like you might have friends who are because this is the new popular way people called "Ana and Mia" think about ANAorexia and BulMIA...

preposterous, but it's your choice to wither and waste away or eat your greens and lay off the extra helpings.

Also small things like diabetic or anemic tendencies can turn into severe conditions, and you also have to worry about renal failure... The body will start shutting down and feeding off itself if you don't maintain at least some semblance of a diet.
Diabetes sucks. I've had it since I was 16, 4 shots a day. I wish I could say Anorexia or Bulemia were both diseases, but I disagree. At least you have options. To eat or not to eat, that is the question.
Anorexia and Bulemia are both mental disorders.

Originally posted by =7thDaughterOfA7thSon=
people of sites like these:
don't think the same as you ;)

:rolleyes: If I find a web site where people say stuffing gerbils up your ass will improve your chances of winning the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes, you gonna believe that too? :guh:
Originally posted by xenophobe
Anorexia and Bulemia are both mental disorders.

:rolleyes: If I find a web site where people say stuffing gerbils up your ass will improve your chances of winning the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes, you gonna believe that too? :guh:

Mental disorders, yes. Diseases? Far from it.

The last time I tried that gerbil thing, Tampa Bay made it to the superbowl...