Official "Obsession" Thread!

I have a crush on Daniel Gildenlöw but my chemical emotions that disallow me to act sexually or anything with other guys kind of restricts it...

otherwise I am of course an acclaimed musician myself and I get stalkers and such all the time

*not really..*
hmmm obsessions. i mostly obsess about book characters :P
but a musician? i really like Jens Ludwig from edguy :P
but because i thought he was a really cool person one time i spoke with him. i dont think it counts as obsession though :)
obsession would be a freaky stalking-type of thing and i dont do that
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Eirik said:
I have a crush on Daniel Gildenlöw but my chemical emotions that disallow me to act sexually or anything with other guys kind of restricts it...
sucks to be you don't it? ;) *keeps danny aaallll to herself!* :grin: