The official manuelgv assumption thread

manuelgv said:
Wow it's like you have ESP!
I do. Not as good as having ESPN though. :(

I assume Manuel likes Arcytarc (Arcturus) and may even be looking forward to the new album minus Trickster G (Garm)?
Spike said:
I do. Not as good as having ESPN though. :(

I assume Manuel likes Arcytarc (Arcturus) and may even be looking forward to the new album minus Trickster G (Garm)?
I don't know what to think about it actually,I really liked what he did with his voice but if it's as good as LMI I'm so getting it
ante said:
I assume Manuel wont find and set me up with my mexican dream woman this year? ;)
I will find'll probably have to do all the work after that tho hehe
like,talking to her,introducing yourself to her and all that
I assume Manuel envies the cool european folks for having so many metalfestivals everywhere :grin:
Oh.. and Gaby assumes you envy her for going to Tuska :p
Rusty said:
I assume you only made this thread because you're sad and lonely and want some attention.
You sir are correct,but no one else will know that you are because I'm going to slaughter you before you can tell anyone
Northern Viking said:
I assume Manuel envies the cool european folks for having so many metalfestivals everywhere :grin:
Oh.. and Gaby assumes you envy her for going to Tuska :p
Yes,I do envy the european folks;I wish there were so many festivals here but I will have my chance of going to all them too.
And no I don't envy Gaby,I was in Tuska last year to see Amorphis;this year's Tuska looked good for DT but the rest were ok,I wish I had seen Ministry last year tho,that would have rocked my socks