A serious question to all women here:

I haven't read the rest of the replies in this thread yet, so if I repeat something, forgive me..

I generally dislike the company of many other women, but I simply adore men! Men are great creations and deserve a better wrap than they get! I definately DO NOT fantasize about being with another women simply because it's revolting and I love men too much! I think this myth of women wanting to be with other women was only created on the basis of women being cloer to eachother on a deeper level than men are with other men. I think that's a load of crap too - both sexes are capable of the same depth of emotion and character, but the outward way in which it is exhibited my be judged differently by outsiders. So just because it looks like women get along better with other, that may not be the case. And since sex is an act between two people who are on a deeper level of a relationship with eachother, anything remotely respembling a physical bond has been misconstrued as a willingness/desire for further intimacy. That's just my opinion, but I don't see how it could be looked at differently. Therefore, I think sex with a women would NOT have some inherent quality that would make it better than with a man. Depth of character and depth of physical intimacy vary on an individual basis, but to say that women are "deeper" than men is absurd, which is essentially what the question is asking... true?

sh0kr0k said:
.........but to say that women are "deeper" than men is absurd, which is essentially what the question is asking... true?

*Resists the temptation to have a field day with this comment by taking it out of context.............. just.* :rolleyes: