Well then the vast majority of females are stupid in that regard, not that it's news to me or anything though *rolls eyes*
I have zero tolerance for people that carry on making the same mistakes, especially when the solution is glaringly obvious.
I think the main problem is the fact that most people are arseholes regardless of their sex. Genuinely nice people are out there too of course, they're just so hard to find.
Plus people seem to have a skewed view of what's considered attractive and desirable in a potential partner. It's true that some girls (at first) like the idea of a loud, confident, show off (not me included, I find those sort of men repulsive) and it's because they like the idea of something risky and challenging. They want to change that person and make him more manageable and it's not how it works at all. Once they realise they've made a mistake, however it's too late and they've already been mistreated by the guy.
i think i understand the whole concept of dating a guy as a "project"
where the girl is trying to take the crapiest guy she can find
and she's spending every waking moment trying to "fix" him, to make him "a better person"
men don't do this, at all,
but i understand where women are coming from, sort of
women are more altruistic, where women see a crappy guy and she sees him as "broken" and she tries to "fix" him as part of and altruistic attempt at trying to be benificial to society
this is why females will beg their boyfriends/husbands into "donating to charity" and such
my whole freaking problem here, is when women try to do the impossible, then break up with the guy, then do the same thing all over with a whole new guy
you can't change the core esscence of who a person is, after the inevitable break-up, the guy you're breaking up with is going to be the exact same jack-ass he was when you decided to start dating him