Women are crazy.....really.

What the fuck ladies? you have become mad!!

There are men that treat you like shit, men that curse you, that want your body only for one night, just to get it in there, and then they will let you rot.

And you follow them !!!And then you say that men are mean.
What the fuck, can't you see the danger behind it.
I know there are women that seek only that that men have but most women want love, real love and they can't see that the boy in front of them wants only to fuck her and that the other boy who is in love with them wants a true relationship. And the last boy can give her love too.
But they still follow the mean man, who will fuck them and then leave!

I really can't understand that.Rejecting the one who really cares and following the other who does't care.

This is only foolishness.


it's called "battered wife syndrome"
when they see a guy that's going to be nice to them, (a guy that's going to be a gentle boyfriend) they don't recognize that guy as a potential mate, they see the nice guy as "a brother" and so then when they see the jack-ass guy, (the guy who's going to treat them like crap) they date him because they (subconciously) feel that being abused is part of what comes with "being in a relationship"
I know how it feels to be treated like crap by a girl. My ex-girlfriend (of two and a half years) was bi-polar. One minute she'd be the sweetest person on earth, the next, a raving bitch. She ended up breaking up with me due to conflicts in religious beliefs, but months after we're both still in love with each other. Bah...

Anyway, if you love someone, you don't care how they treat you. You're still going to feel the same way. That's how it was with me, at least.

I had a similar situation back in college, about 20 years ago. I had been trying for this one girl for almost a year when someone suggested that for Sweetest Day, that I send her a card, a rose, and a bottle of wine. Not wanting to come on too strong, I said on the card that I cared about her, that if she needed to talk to, I'd be there. I really figured that she'd at least say something along the lines of "Thank you, but I only want to be friends". But NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! She sent me a letter saying, and I quote ad verbatim, "I do not have the feelings for you that you have for me. I do not wish for you to send me any kind of mail, nor to call me, nor to visit my apartment". HUH? I try to be nice and show her some appreciation, and she acted like I was the Goddamn Bogeyman! I have not tried for anybody since, and I'm not so sure if I will, because there's absolutely no way that I can go thru that again.

To quote the immortal words of J. Geils, "Love Stinks".
I had a similar situation back in college, about 20 years ago. I had been trying for this one girl for almost a year when someone suggested that for Sweetest Day, that I send her a card, a rose, and a bottle of wine. Not wanting to come on too strong, I said on the card that I cared about her, that if she needed to talk to, I'd be there. I really figured that she'd at least say something along the lines of "Thank you, but I only want to be friends". But NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! She sent me a letter saying, and I quote ad verbatim, "I do not have the feelings for you that you have for me. I do not wish for you to send me any kind of mail, nor to call me, nor to visit my apartment". HUH? I try to be nice and show her some appreciation, and she acted like I was the Goddamn Bogeyman! I have not tried for anybody since, and I'm not so sure if I will, because there's absolutely no way that I can go thru that again.

To quote the immortal words of J. Geils, "Love Stinks".

i know exactly what happened
you'd known her for a whole year, so by the time you send her the valentine's day card she'd already placed you into the category of "guys i'm never going to have sex with in a million years"
so when the card came she was completely totally surprized-as-hell that you would send her any kind of valentines day thing cuz she thought you got her non-verbal messages and that you knew she's never going to sleep with you and also very freaked-the-fuck out at the idea you'd want to date her because for her, "dating you would have felt like incest"
for a while you were "like a brother" to her
but you ruined that brother-sister-relationship whith the whole sending her valentine's day stuff
:yuk:I think the problem is truly that some guys have no balls or personality women are hypersensitive to this so when you do everything for the sake of her/her pussy they notice it and it turns them off. and maybe they don't deserve your love. maybe thats why they like badboys. maybe the problem is you and your insincerity to tell a chick how you really feel without your little default bitch filter on .some chicks like guys who are raw and there for fuck them because of it rather than sissified pussy wimp bitches who throw themselves in front of a bus for them
You want to know what really sucks? when you finally grow the balls to tell a girl you are madly in love with her, just to find out from her, after you tell her this, that she is a lesbian.

it was weeird cause we were best friends for like a year or so and the sexual preference thing never came up with her. which i suppose is an embarrasing mistake on my part. Kinda made a fool out of myself.
The reality is that men don't make sense to women, and women don't make sense to men. That's why neither of us make sense to each other.

Men's thought process: Logic.
Women's thought process: Emotion

To use an example to explain:
If you tell a man he is a bad driver, his thought process would be him thinking analytically about how he drives, and what reason that person they would have to say that, and either agree or disagree. Then that'll be the end of it on his part. Simply assess the thought analytically, and that's it.

If you tell a woman she's a bad driver, her thought process goes to "Oh no, they think I'm a bad driver, they don't feel safe with me, my feelings are hurt." She immediately thinks about how she feels about the idea.

In other words, women don't make sense to men, not because we're dummies, but because women don't make sense period. Logic... is logical. Emotions are not. So women making dumb choices that you don't understand is strictly because they don't make any fucking sense.

Now the weird thing is, this (not illogical but,) lack-of-logic thought process translates to all women. They think they make sense because they can make sense to each other, based upon an emotional method of thought. But when you keep women around together, all sorts of weird shit happens. (like their periods fuckin sync up)

Now, I have a theory about why women chase "bad boys." If you ever notice, its usually insecure women and younger girls (who are also insecure) who chase "bad boys."

Bad boys are exciting, they do fun things, they get wild, all of which women have a desire to take part in, so its reasonable that they would be attracted to that. But why would they not entertain good guys as well?

Good guys aren't as "exciting" and there's never as much going on; forcing girls to slow down and actually focus on their surroundings as well as life quality. Then the attention focuses to themselves. Being insecure, they can't handle the spotlight, both from themselves, as well as the good-guy-boyfriend who wants to do everything for her.

That, in turn, is why good guys end up with shitty women (at least when they're young). The good guy finally finds a girl who will let him cherish her, because she's a bitch, needs the spotlight, and likewise demands it. If she gets out of the spot light, she'll treat the boyfriend like shit to either get the spotlight back from him (or cheat on him and get the spot light from someone else).

So why do these insecure girls stay with shitty boyfriends? Because once they get romantically involved, they can't let that relationship die, because if they do, they will have to face the criticism they put on themselves, and the insecurity of feeling like a failure. They need the boyfriend to love them, to feel validated.

Now, this isn't everyone's scenario, but I'd be willing to bet its quite a high percentage of them
The reality is that men don't make sense to women, and women don't make sense to men. That's why neither of us make sense to each other.

Men's thought process: Logic.
Women's thought process: Emotion

To use an example to explain:
If you tell a man he is a bad driver, his thought process would be him thinking analytically about how he drives, and what reason that person they would have to say that, and either agree or disagree. Then that'll be the end of it on his part. Simply assess the thought analytically, and that's it.

If you tell a woman she's a bad driver, her thought process goes to "Oh no, they think I'm a bad driver, they don't feel safe with me, my feelings are hurt." She immediately thinks about how she feels about the idea.

In other words, women don't make sense to men, not because we're dummies, but because women don't make sense period. Logic... is logical. Emotions are not. So women making dumb choices that you don't understand is strictly because they don't make any fucking sense.

Now the weird thing is, this (not illogical but,) lack-of-logic thought process translates to all women. They think they make sense because they can make sense to each other, based upon an emotional method of thought. But when you keep women around together, all sorts of weird shit happens. (like their periods fuckin sync up)

Now, I have a theory about why women chase "bad boys." If you ever notice, its usually insecure women and younger girls (who are also insecure) who chase "bad boys."

Bad boys are exciting, they do fun things, they get wild, all of which women have a desire to take part in, so its reasonable that they would be attracted to that. But why would they not entertain good guys as well?

Good guys aren't as "exciting" and there's never as much going on; forcing girls to slow down and actually focus on their surroundings as well as life quality. Then the attention focuses to themselves. Being insecure, they can't handle the spotlight, both from themselves, as well as the good-guy-boyfriend who wants to do everything for her.

That, in turn, is why good guys end up with shitty women (at least when they're young). The good guy finally finds a girl who will let him cherish her, because she's a bitch, needs the spotlight, and likewise demands it. If she gets out of the spot light, she'll treat the boyfriend like shit to either get the spotlight back from him (or cheat on him and get the spot light from someone else).

So why do these insecure girls stay with shitty boyfriends? Because once they get romantically involved, they can't let that relationship die, because if they do, they will have to face the criticism they put on themselves, and the insecurity of feeling like a failure. They need the boyfriend to love them, to feel validated.

Now, this isn't everyone's scenario, but I'd be willing to bet its quite a high percentage of them

i already knew all this
and it was really amazing to hear someone else say it
i think a huge part of the problem is that men are too simple for women to understand

women are more likely to become vegitarian than men, and men are more likely to eat non-kosher meat than women
because women are woried about counting calories and cholesterol content, where as men just eat what tastes good

women keep their teeth intact enough to coninue chewing food, where men keep their teeth intact enough to continue getting laid

women make "shopping" into an "all day experience" where as a guy going shopping is more like "guy gets cold, guy buys jacket, guy's not cold anymore"

a huge part of the comunication problem is that women are just so extremely complex that they expect men to be as complex as they are, and we just aren't

when a woman spends time with her female friends and then gets confused by some thing a guy does, it's really like spending all day assembling and dissasembling AK-47s and M-16s and then getting home and being unable to figure out how a bow shoots an arrow without using gunpowder
men are just too simple for women to figure out
woman have massive egos, they say they want 1 man but they dress like skanks for attention from the wrong kind of men.
there always fishing for complements.
LOL. Is everyone here 12??

It's not the 'bad' that girls like, it's the confidence

Women want men, not boys who think they are nice (when actually they have intentions they are trying to hide), they want men who go out and do things in the world and go for what they want, not boys who are afraid and need permission to hit on a girl.

You're interested in a girl? Be direct with her, show her you have abundance in choice of women, and don't try to seek validation from her. You want her (but don't need her), and you respect yourself more than her in any interaction, AND, you don't worry about the outcome of any interaction. This kind of confidence is what many 'bad' boys have and 'nice' guys lack. .
I think this has too much generalisation, not all women want a bad boy or dress like a skank or whatever. Some of us actually want one of the good guys :)
Women dumb enough to repeatedly settle for such arseholes gain no sympathy from me.

As for the sluts that actually look for those sort of guys, well they deserve to be treated like shit.

Aside from whores, the whole women liking bastards thing is a load of crap.