A serious question to all women here:

Slash Freeman

Iron Maiden obsessive
okay, i heard some woman this morning say something about men being obsolete. do you think this? and also, i know this is a slighty pervy thing to ask, and please feel free to ignore the question completely, but do you think that sex with a woman would be better than sex with a man? and if so, why? like i said, you don't have to answer that question, but i'd like to know if what i've heard is true: that women fantasise about being with a woman 'cos it's so much better than being with a man.......
I don't believe men are obsolete at all. I'd go nuts if their were no men in the world, I generally hate the company of women. I do, however, believe that the days of the macho man are gone. You can't tell woman what to do anymore, and if you do you get laughed at. Those men will be gone within a decade.

Sex with a women - :s Thats as close to a vomit smiley as I can get right now. I hope that answers your quesyion. ;)
Originally posted by Eclipse
women want a macho, whatever they say.
they always think they'll be able to change him.
women are silly creatures. A good thing for men though.

:) , good point, women get upset if a man fights, then if they don't fight then they think your a pussy, small example, but anyway.
It gets kind of dangerous to speak in sweeping generalizations... and somehow, that's always how these discussions end up.

Let's just say that stupidity is a human trait... women just have this way of expressing it in more mystifying ways than men. :loco:
Originally posted by Eclipse
women want a macho, whatever they say.
they always think they'll be able to change him.
women are silly creatures. A good thing for men though.

I didn´t want a macho again....

I lived in a relationship with one over two years. And all I have to say about him is, he was an asshole. And he weren´t that strong as he thought he were. And he like to hit me with his fists, to fell strong!

Bah, machos....

Btw, sex with a female is great, but sex with a male also. You only need the right partner for it!!!
Well, i'm glad that piece of "news" i heard seems to be "wrong". :)

as for he man/woman thing.......i've heard women say that they want a woman because a man isn't sensitive enough, a man is always in a hurry etc, while a woman will take things slowly and knows exactly what a woman wants. of course a woman knows how to please a woman better than a man, men aren't psychic! any man who honestly wants to please the woman will do what the woman asks, if she has the guts to say "this, this, and that is what feels good" or something along those lines. men can be sensitive and caring, look at me. i'm both of those, but i'm a guy.
All I can say to all those women is that they are meeting the wrong sort of man. It comes down to communication, and thats a two way thing. If you don't have that then you have no relationship at all, be it mental or physical.

I new I was blessed with my fella, but the more I read these sorts of threads the more I appreciate him. :eek:
Originally posted by dreamwatch

U gotta b careful, that smiley has more than one meaning ;)

I really dislike both macho men and women who think its important how "ard" a bloke is. It makes me sick. And I think ur wrong dreamy, I don't think men will ever grow out of it....

The time's i've been in male frienship groups they all thought it was vitaly important how macho u were, andI don'tthink that will ever stop. So now I'm in an entirely female friendship group :D and they still make rude comments about it sumtimes :mad: but not often. It probably why most people think I'm gay :D

But the thing is men are so.... immature most of the time. Most men think it is important how macho you are. And that really gets on my nerves :mad:

And Eclipse - i think urwrong (if ur not taking the piss) all the women I'm friends with (there a group of about 20 of us who hang around in college and I'm the only bloke - so around 19 women) all just find it really funny when blokes try to show how mach they are. And they're right. It is funny :D
believe me now: they want a sensitive macho...

whatever they say: don't start acting like a wimp. But then again, don't act like a bull either.

and drexle: what i call macho doesn't necesarilly include his fists. Macho means that he is strong, both mental and physical, he knows what he wants to be, and he wants to achieve it himself. ANd when it comes to women, he only falls in love if it is really IT. And only then he may get sensitive. Only then, NEVER before.
Originally posted by Eclipse
believe me now: they want a sensitive macho...

Macho means that he is strong, both mental and physical, he knows what he wants to be, and he wants to achieve it himself. ANd when it comes to women, he only falls in love if it is really IT.

I think the problem here is the definition of the word macho. I actually agree with what you say Eclipse - I'd say thats exactly what most women are drawn to in a man. However I wouldn't class it as macho. To me, and to many women, machismo is about proving physical strength, it's about showing of; men of this type are usually over confident, vain, and positive that as men they are the rulers of the universe. Confident strong men don't have to do that, and as such I wouldn't class them as macho. The word itself is used in a derogatary manner - you don't call someone macho as a compliment, you use it as a word to define a a big strong idiot who talks with his fists (or his dick).

Anyway, thats just my opinion. ;)
well, i am not "macho" in anyway shape or form, not do i try to be. my natural body shape means i've got broad shoulders while being quite short, which has resulted in a few people say things like "look at the size of him!", which i have to say surprised me a lot! i've always been more sensitive and caring.

as for what god said, i agree with that. men can be immature a lot of the time, and thats one of the things i hate about us. i don't think i'm guilty of being as immature as many guys i know at school, but i do have bad days when i'm just bitchy for no reason. the strange thing is that i get on better with women than i do with guys, in general. obviously i have a mixture of male and female friends, but the people i am closest to are actually females, with one or two exceptions. most guys may well hate me for this, but i do believe that woman are superiour to men, at least considering the people i know. women are more open with their feelings and not afraid to touch each other while men accuse guys who hug guys of being gay. theres more to it, but that's the basis of it. obviously, again, there are exceptions to this. that was only a generalisation.
Originally posted by Slash Freeman
as for what god said, i agree with that. men can be immature a lot of the time, and thats one of the things i hate about us. i don't think i'm guilty of being as immature as many guys i know at school, but i do have bad days when i'm just bitchy for no reason. the strange thing is that i get on better with women than i do with guys, in general. obviously i have a mixture of male and female friends, but the people i am closest to are actually females, with one or two exceptions. most guys may well hate me for this, but i do believe that woman are superiour to men, at least considering the people i know. women are more open with their feelings and not afraid to touch each other while men accuse guys who hug guys of being gay. theres more to it, but that's the basis of it. obviously, again, there are exceptions to this. that was only a generalisation.

So I'm god :D cool! Heh. I agree with what you say actually. As I mentioned earlier I'm not close friendes with any men at all. It just ends up getting... either insulting each other all the time or not a very good friendship!

I often just hug men cos its so funny to see their reaction :lol: You should try it, its so fun!
Superior? Eh, I have a hard time thinking of the women I know of who spend years pining for hateful ex-s, women who are too afraid to break up with their B/f honestly so they try to get some other man to "steal her away," women who say things like "I like you too much to date you" or women who want to be simultaneously "independent" and yet "swept away by a knight in shining armor" as part of any sort of superior gender. Manipulative and over-emotional, maybe... but superior? I'd say there are plenty enough horrible and/or confused women out there to call the score even with regards to who has the most screwed up people amongst their ranks.