The official manuelgv assumption thread

Apoptosis said:
I assume that manuelgv does not have the pic with gaby and a lizard on her hair, which is my favorite gaby pic.

I assume that manuelgv would like to see it.
No I don't have that one
I don't know if I'd be thrilled to see it,I wouldn't mind seeing it tho
FallenTears said:
I assume that manuel knows alot of people on here and he made this thread to see how many people know him as well as he knows them or something like that
This man is quite right,he is very smart
I assume Manuel regrets having cut his hair..
Man, you have such cool hair, why did you cut it? :cry:

I dont wanna sound gay, but you dont cut hair like that :yell:
Northern Viking said:
I assume Manuel regrets having cut his hair..
Man, you have such cool hair, why did you cut it? :cry:

I dont wanna sound gay, but you dont cut hair like that :yell:
I don't know why I cut it,lots of things happened in a short period of time that changed my mind about a lot of things and one was long hair,so I decided to cut it;for the first year I regretted it so fucking much,I kept looking in the mirror and saying: my beautiful hair,all gone.
But now I always get buzz cuts and the idea of growing it back doesn't appeal to me at all.
Falconspirit said:
I assume Manuel reads alot of good books:)
(what are yer favz authors btw)?
I do try to read 3 or 4 books per month
Some of my favorite authors are:
Marcel Proust,Gabriel garcia Marquez,Mario Vargas Llosa,F. Dostoievski,Chekhov, Tolstoi,Bataille,Tabucchi,Cortazar,Manuel Mujica Lainez,Jose Saramago
chris-o-fer said:
I assume then, that by reading all of those books, you have quite the scolar's vocabulary.
Well yes I like to think that I have a big vocabulary in spanish and know some words people don't normally use