

It's funny how rap music tends to incite violence yet metal is the the genre with a "reputation" of devil worship and other degenerate acts....
Keep in mind this was a "party" a "celebration" just imagine if this wasn't the case?!

3 Stabbed at Notorious B.I.G. Record Party

12/21/2005 2:32 PM, AP

Three people were stabbed early Wednesday at a Manhattan club that was hosting a record release party for a new collection of duets featuring slain rapper Notorious B.I.G.
Detectives also were investigating a shooting near the club, named Exit, that occurred around the same time. It was unclear if the two incidents were related.
Authorities could not confirm reports that the party was attended by Sean "Diddy" Combs and Notorious B.I.G.'s mother, Voletta Wallace. The two co-produced the new "Duets" record, which pairs the rapper's vocals with Eminen, Jay-Z and other artists.
Police said that at 3:10 a.m., patrol officers heard gunfire at a parking garage near the club. Inside, they found three men with gunshot wounds; all were taken to the hospital in stable condition.
Moments later, police received an emergency call reporting a stabbing at the club. Officers found three victims — two men who were slashed in the face and one who was stabbed in the stomach; all were hospitalized. There were no arrests. Detectives were questioning the occupants of a car spotted fleeing the scene shortly after the shooting.
Think positively if rappers keep killing each other they may get extinct finally :devil:

NP: Sweet Savage - 'Prospector Of Greed'
Don't you just love these guys? When they aren't rapping about killing another 'gangsta' over money, they're advertising their 'book cover' christianity! I have some friends who listen to rap, and they always rip on me for not being a christian lol. One guy especially, he even has a tattoo saying 'in god we trust', and this is the same guy who gave another guy permanent disfiguration with a crowbar over a drug deal. LoL contradictions
One time a guy tried to tell me Kayne west was an intelligent rapper, after we were arguing about the whole "george bush doesn't like black people" bullshit (which is fucking rediculous, if you ask me, and I hate bush as much as the next guy). He showed me some lyrics about vietnam, and they were pretty pathetic. Okay, I will admit, it's not a subject often breached by rappers, but you know, I can't bring myself to call any man intelligent if they use the grammar "we be" instead of "we are". That's one thing that really really churns my butter, is fucking ebonics (for lack of a better word). I can understand different accents, and dialects, but when you talk like those 'gangstas', you just sound like a fucking moron. Seriously, when anybody says something like "da" instead of the, or says nonsensical bullshit likle "urrvrything" (everything), I want to kick them in the teeth, so they actually have an excuse besides ignorance to talk poorly. Rah.

#1_Droogie said:
One time a guy tried to tell me Kayne west was an intelligent rapper, after we were arguing about the whole "george bush doesn't like black people" bullshit (which is fucking rediculous, if you ask me, and I hate bush as much as the next guy). He showed me some lyrics about vietnam, and they were pretty pathetic. Okay, I will admit, it's not a subject often breached by rappers, but you know, I can't bring myself to call any man intelligent if they use the grammar "we be" instead of "we are". That's one thing that really really churns my butter, is fucking ebonics (for lack of a better word). I can understand different accents, and dialects, but when you talk like those 'gangstas', you just sound like a fucking moron. Seriously, when anybody says something like "da" instead of the, or says nonsensical bullshit likle "urrvrything" (everything), I want to kick them in the teeth, so they actually have an excuse besides ignorance to talk poorly. Rah.


I feel exactly the same. I also can't stand when someone writes like: 'U can find tha other things 2".

My god are they l33t! NOT!
Hawk said:
I feel exactly the same. I also can't stand when someone writes like: 'U can find tha other things 2".

My god are they l33t! NOT!

Drives me mad as well, and I found the same moronic behavior in some Spanish forums. Is going to kill you if you type 2 more letters? :yell:

NP: Deep Purple - 'Haunted'
Wyvern said:
Drives me mad as well, and I found the same moronic behavior in some Spanish forums. Is going to kill you if you type 2 more letters? :yell:
Guess what it happens on French forums as well, and I hate with passion that trend too (the "SMS language").

What's up with all the language butchering on the Internet these days? :puke: To my mind if you don't want/try to respect the language on a message board then you don't respect people who are going to read you since they'll have a hard time deciphering all the altered words.

By the way, it took me some time to understand what "l33t" meant :tickled: :Smug:
Fangface said:
Guess what it happens on French forums as well, and I hate with passion that trend too (the "SMS language").

What's up with all the language butchering on the Internet these days? :puke: To my mind if you don't want/try to respect the language on a message board then you don't respect people who are going to read you since they'll have a hard time deciphering all the altered words.

I guess its ebonics for whiggers. :)

Fangface said:
By the way, it took me some time to understand what "l33t" meant :tickled: :Smug:

Not bad for a 47 old greezer huh?
It's really pathetic when I used to play online computer games, and people are actually SERIOUS about the "leet" speak! It's like, the more distorted you can get the letters, the cooler you are. The only time I can understand typing in leet is when you're trying to communicate to a person on the opposite team of a game (for example, in World Of Warcraft, if you were part of a race, and you were trying to communicate with a player of an enemy race, if you just typed normally, it would automatically jumble it up, to simulate realism, since, in reality, mono-lingual English speaking people generally can't understand mono-lingual Sanskrit speaking people).
Fangface said:
By the way, it took me some time to understand what "l33t" meant :tickled: :Smug:

I hadn't found it yet :oops: , but it hadn't deprived me of sleep either :lol:

NP: Deep Purple - 'Clearly Quite Absurd'