final mix for that "pop metal band"

Real good song like it ^^ good sound and many guitars you rec 4 ore 2 ore ? what stuff you use on the guitars ?

I just dual tracked for this band. It seems like a waste of time to quad track unless it's a super heavy band. We wouldn't have had time to even if i wanted to though since they could only come to the studio after school haha
I think the snare has too much room/reverb, the guitars are a bit too in-your-face and the vocals are a tad high.
Other than that it sounds good. :)
hey man, drums sound a lot better now in my opinion, is this still a pod? wats the band called by the way?
Amazing mix dude . everything is solid , kick is pure for the fallen dreams check out there last record i believe joey used teh slate samples too for that it soudns great tho but thats the only thing that caught my ear .
very nice. couple of things - snare has too much reverb on it, and i dont know if its just me but i hate the kick :s it's really distracting me from the overall sound. the cymbals could be brightened up abit. guitars are perfect. vocals are fine.
only the drums for me :D

Amazing mix dude . everything is solid , kick is pure for the fallen dreams check out there last record i believe joey used teh slate samples too for that it soudns great tho but thats the only thing that caught my ear .

I sort of agree with the kick and for the fallen dreams, but they are alot heavier then this band which is why the kick works for them. This band is more pop which means a brighter kick imo.
Amazing mix dude . everything is solid , kick is pure for the fallen dreams check out there last record i believe joey used teh slate samples too for that it soudns great tho but thats the only thing that caught my ear .

If you're referring to the FTFD album "Changes," then i believe he used DFHS on them. He recorded that cd in 2007, which was well before he got slate samples.

It's possible he used the same slate sample on that "Smoke Signals Demo" that's on their myspace, but i'm not sure.

very nice. couple of things - snare has too much reverb on it, and i dont know if its just me but i hate the kick :s it's really distracting me from the overall sound. the cymbals could be brightened up abit. guitars are perfect. vocals are fine.
only the drums for me :D

I sort of agree with the kick and for the fallen dreams, but they are alot heavier then this band which is why the kick works for them. This band is more pop which means a brighter kick imo.

I should have probably backed down the reverb a bit (which is where i had it on the original version), but everyone was telling me it needed "big drumroom sound" on the drums for this style of music on the last thread i posted. I kind of like the sound of it all, but i do think the snare reverb could come down a tad(oh well).

As far as the kick goes, i guess i just made it sound the way i like it instead of the way it should sound for this style of music. To me it sounds fine, but i guess it's all personal preference...
Sounds great brian...

Which slate kick did you use and what kind of post eq? Sounds really good and guitars sound great also. Was the tone similar to patches you posted before? Also any special post processing on them?
yep, also interested on the processing of the guitars and patch, got my pod xt arriving tomorrow hopefully, and slate 30 arrived today :)
cant wait to get back home
its sounds great and well layered.
I particularly like the snare.
bass drum is a bit hi, but thats just me.l

personally way too core for me, but styling has really nothing to do with this.
really wow it was 2007 that old ? geez lol , anyways killer mix tho i like the sound not Ur typical pop , metal sound u kinda puts a stamp on it ,

congrats killer mix
Sounds great brian...

Which slate kick did you use and what kind of post eq? Sounds really good and guitars sound great also. Was the tone similar to patches you posted before? Also any special post processing on them?

Thanks bud!

It's kick is 10z1 with the eq below(that's all). Guitars just have a bit of compression, andy's c4 settings, and a ton of mids removed(as requested by the band). Pretty much the same pod settings as before, just will a little less gain.

the Guitar eq is on the left and the kick eq is on the right.


I just wanted to leave a nice "Fuck yes"
to mister Hood, because this sounds awesome.

Thank you!!:D
thanks a lot for guitar eq Brian.
i'm interested to know your guitar compression settings, could you post another compression screenshoot settings??
i don't usually compress my guitars and i'd like to know how you make it.