final mix for that "pop metal band"

Thanks Brian for the eq shots... Do you do any eqing or anything special on the master buss?

just a bit of mastering reverb. Sometimes i'll do a little bit of eq on the master bus if anything looks or sounds a bit odd, but there isnt any on this particular band.

are these drums programmed? cymbals and all? or did you record and replace kick and snare?

Yeah, all programmed =/ it's the first band i've done it on though. The band could only get into the studio after school, and i cant do drums here late at night since i'm in a neighborhood, so we just went with addictive drums for the OH and slate samples for everything else.
What kind of reveb do you run in ozone? Ive never tried adding reverb to my mixing with ozone or at all in mastering. Just curious what kind of setting you use there in ozone as this mix sounds great with it!
What kind of reveb do you run in ozone? Ive never tried adding reverb to my mixing with ozone or at all in mastering. Just curious what kind of setting you use there in ozone as this mix sounds great with it!

on this recording, I used the "room" reverb with 100 dry, 11.4 wet(other mixes have vaired from 5 to 15), .8 room size, 1.0 room width, .7 room dampening, and 0 pre delay

check this out if you havent already. It's worth the long read. Mastering PDF guide.pdf
double fail in the topic header:

1) "final mix", but you are asking opinions
2) "pop metal", when then band is pretty much just metalcore. I would define something like this as popmetal

Its cool if you notice something like this but to post seems kinda lame.

Oh and thanks for that link on Ozone Brian. Great read.......
personally i would have triggered off the snare with a more higher pitched sample. it seems to get buried in the mix easily. perhaps some high end eq would bring it up. i dont know - nice job though - everything else is solid
double fail in the topic header:

1) "final mix", but you are asking opinions
2) "pop metal", when then band is pretty much just metalcore. I would define something like this as popmetal

1. Of course i'm asking opinions. The final mix was already sent out to the band because i felt like i was done with the mix(and the band was happy with it) and i've moved on to other projects, but i still like to know people's opinions on the finished product. I've only been doing this for a little over 2 months now, so i feel like other people's input helps me out.

2. That's the reason i put "pop metal" in quotations in the title. I made a thread about it earlier and got pissed on for calling them pop metal. They are definitely a metalcore band, but i still think some of the lead parts wouldn't be out of place in a pop/punkish type band.
that Manzana band is pretty cool though.

I definitely understand if you're joking around, but if not, there's no need to be mean about it. I don't remember saying anything out of place to you before(i may have though:muahaha:)
Yeah, all programmed =/ it's the first band i've done it on though. The band could only get into the studio after school, and i cant do drums here late at night since i'm in a neighborhood, so we just went with addictive drums for the OH and slate samples for everything else.

It doesn't sound bad at all. I was just curious. :)

I was mainly wondering what the cymbals were. They sound pretty good.