i've been watching this board for some time every now and then, finally took the bother to register.
to me, opeth's strenght lies in their consisting quality: i can not imagine one single opeth song i think is low-quality. song by song, album by album, everything is of the same outstanding quality.
of course, there is always the matter of taste: sometimes i am really into one song, then into an other song.
but if i would have to pick one single song that defines what opeth is, to me it would be Godhead's Lament: the more quiet parts are so clearly part of the song itself: it is ONE SONG, not just a collection of great riffs. With morningrise i really have that feeling: each riff is brilliant, but it doesnt really feel like a song to me.
anyway my vote goes to the moor: it has such a good atmosphere. i like the solo in TLA though, really cool, but as a song the moor is definitely better
My favorite Opeth Songs:
Godhead's Lament, Master's Apprentices, The Drapery Falls, The Moor, Advent, Nectar (the slap solo is incredible