Final Tour Diary is up at Metal Sludge


Founder, Church of Satan
Feb 3, 2002
Milky Way
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Finally...some clarification on the Bush incident! Um...actually Scott doesn't really make that much of it. Probably as it should be.

By the way, "The Bush Incident" is a kick-ass name for my next adult film. I'm currently holding auditions in the back of my van.
...can we just close the case & lead our attention to the new album now?? Why not start discussing bout it? u know...stuff like..

- what the title should be?
- what type of cover?
- what color should the ANTHRAX logo be?...white plzzzz
- will the NOT MAN be on the cover?

:p :o :p
Yeah..I was at that West Warwick show!! It is a hole but does get some good bands there once in a while. Fates Warning, Flotsam & Jetsam, Scott's favs Kings X. I was the most energy Ive seen there though
Good to hear that John actually missed his punch! Now would anybody still wanting to complain about a lawsuit please let this stupid issue go! The angry Belladonna fan is currently back at dorks bar listening to his Belladonna solo album! Who cares! I only care that John is not in trouble with the law! Cool tour diary though. Sorry to hear about Scott's macintosh giving him so much trouble. Lol! I work with computers for a job, I understand that they have a mind of their own.

Lyric of the day "From on top of the world I'll through you down a rope"
I like how Scott says in his tour diary that "i'm not that big of a drinker anyway." Yet that is all he ever talks about. I seem to remember a time when Scott was a near tea-totaler (late 80's/early 90's) but ever since the Stomp era the guy seems like a bigger boozehound than the Pantera boys. I'm not ragging on Scott though. If I didn't teach school I'd get shit faced every night! Plus, although I'm only 24, I don't rebound from hangovers like I did back in my "formative years". Somewhere in my college partying days I went from hangover immunity, to feeling like i was going to die for 3 or 4 days after a good drunk, so I don't party near as much as I'd like. Anyway, that's my rant. I just that lline of Scotts was funny, and I'm calling "bullshit" on that line.
TD, I caught that one too.

Especially if you read any of the Max Rock tour diaries. He makes it sound like that's ALL they do! LOL

I don't drink either. I way, way, WAY overdid it on my 21st. For several weeks, I couldn't even go near the liquor department in the grocery store without feeling the urge to purge. :puke: It was horrible. I thought I was ruined forever. Like two months later, I was actually able to order a drink at a bar, and I only finished it because it was the best drink EVER, but I couldn't bring myself to order another one, even though that bartender was a master of his craft. Sometimes I think it would rule to get trashed every once in a while, but it's been over two years now, and I just can't bring myself to do it. Then again, I really couldn't now anyway, with a kid. Sesame Street is hard enough to handle in the morning, I don't want to attempt it hungover. And he trashes the house while I'm sitting right here watching him, I can only imagine what he would do if my judgment was impaired.

Oh well, I'm sure y'all drink enough for me anyways...:muahaha:
Well, I took a few days off work 'cause I had some events to attend. Last night I went to watch the Lakers play up in Cleveland (i'm not a band wagon lakers fan, been a fan since I was a kid, I have to put that in there because it is "cool" to like the lakers again) anyway, I got HAMMERED. The night before was one of my best buddies b-day parties, and he is a bartender, so I had to go. So basically, the last two days have been like a friggin Pantera home video!! The game was fun as hell though! Tonight, I'm going to ESPN friday night fights, and my buddy boxes so he got us vip credentials, which means all the food and drink we want, but alas, I am the "driver" tonight, so it will only be free food, and starbucks.........time to dry out.....i have been overdoing since I became single again for too long now......If I were in Scott or John Bush's shoes I'd drink everyday BUT i'd be sure to work out at least an hour a day everyday too. You can party all you want as long as you sweat that shit back out. Me, I'm lucky to jog twice a week, so drinking everyday is out of the question.
On that note princess! I am going to go jog, and I think I will put Stomp 442 in the headset!!! BTW brat, just a side question since I am single "again" where on earth, other than bars, does one go to meet girls. I'm not stereotyping every girl that goes to the bar as a slut, BUT I am yet to meet a truly genuine "keeper" in the bar. I'm asking you because you seem to be the only female on this board.........just food for thought.
Yeah, my husband went through his fair share of "bar women" before I came along. Our method won't work for most people, cause I used to work with his sister and I threw an anti-Valentine's Day party (which quite obviously blew up in my face, but I was extremely pissed at my psycho ex at the time) and she asked me if she could bring her brother and I told her whatever, just tell him to bring his own damn beer. Well he worked for Coors at the time so...LOL Anyway, I've heard the grocery store works pretty good. Or like Starbucks or someplace like that. Or an Anthrax concert!!! I met a guy at Lollapalooza 96 during Metallica that I swore was my soul mate, except I was stupid and forgot to get his number!! LOL And in all of Phoenix, he lived about a mile away from me!! GRRR!! Oh well, worked out better this way, but if you meet a girl at a show, PLEASE get her number!! At least then you know she's got some cool CDs at home! But try really hard not to date any of your friends. I've never known that to work for ANYONE, myself included. If I think of anything else, I'll let you know.

Actually the last "ex" and I met at the grocery!! She isn't a tramp or anything, just a classic case one of those girls who will never, ever, be happy, because they don't know what they want, hell, I don't even think she knows what she is searching would have been way easier for me to walk away if she wasn't so friggin cute, but that is conceited of me to say that and think that way. So looks definitely aren't everything!! Anyway, that is cool that you're husband worked for Coors. My parents were in the alcohol retail/wholesale business, and the Coors people were always the kindest best people to work with. The Budweiser people were pricks (they can be since they sell so much beer, that's just how it works) the Miller people were clueless, but we (the family) are still very good friends with some of the people that distribute Coors here in Ohio. Good friends to have for parties and bar hopping;)
LOL Bud is the same here too. He delivered kegs to bars and he would often be there the same time Bud was delivering, since as you probably know, most bars like to get all their deliveries around the same time to get them all over with. Anyway, the Bud people always suck, he complained about them all the time. They would always pile their shit on his so he'd have to spend an hour clearing out the coolers just to get his job done, and they thought nothing of unhooking Coors products for their own. He said the Miller people just went with the flow because they were #3 of the Big 3 and they knew Bud and Coors could stomp them whenever they wanted to. He never heard any of them complain, but I'm sure they were pissed and just being nice about it. Sometimes he wishes he was still there, other times he's glad he's rid of the headaches. I know what you mean about looks. Some of the hottest guys in the world are total fucking pricks and some of the not hottest guys are the ones that make you laugh til you pee and wanna jump in bed at the drop of a hat. And for the record, women HATE girls like your ex, she makes us all look bad. Any woman that doesn't hate that type is one of them trying to stand up for her own!!! LOL We're not ALL evil, I swear!!!

TD: I work in a bookstore and I've learned that during the later hours the more social people show up. plus the people at a book store generally are pretty entelligent. and if you go to one with a starbucks then hell you're set. Church is a good place too. It sucks to sit through sermons but I've had a few flings with church girls. If you are religuos cool, if not... well sometimes when you turn a good little christian girl to the darker side they get a little crazy, they see what they were missing.

BRAT: have you heard the denis leary CD Lock and Load? he talks about his kids. your "silence...the kid is up to something" reminded me of when he talks about wanting peace and quiet but then when things get too quiet it's the "my kids are up to something" quiet.
I love denis leary. in fact I think I'll change my signature
I haven't heard that CD, but No Cure For Cancer...those are just words to live by. He's absolutely right: when you have kids, if it's quiet, they are so up to something, they even KNOW they're giving themselves away. I've caught my son doing shit I didn't even know he could think of yet, and I never would have caught him if he would have kept making noise becuase I wouldn't have looked in on him. I'll have to get that CD. I've never seen it though, so it's probably another issue of not ever finding what I want to buy. Oh well. I'm far beyond used to it by now.

LOL@your church girls comment. Guys crack me up.

"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives"

Women...a subject of great mystery...even to a married shmoe like me.