Final Tour Diary is up at Metal Sludge

heheh yeah his kids did some pretty fucked up shit. I had a copy of lock and load but I left it at my ex fiance's apartment and if I ever show up there she'll probably put a goat in my stomach. fucking witch bitch.
but thats what glorious is for.
I know what you mean, I don't know what women are thinking about 70% of the time, hell maybe even 100% of the time! The truth is, you need to find somebody on your level. Whatever your level is, and even then there is no sure shot. What princess said is true, about not all women being bad, and the same can certainly be said about men. Basically, you need to find somebody that is %100 for you. Meaning if you have specifica behavior quirks she or he loves you anyway. Sounds easy, hell no! But whoever said that life was easy?
Brat: Let it be known that Coors makes my favorite beer in the world "Blue Moon Belgium White." And to this day I never, ever, buy anything from Bud. 1)their product sucks and 2) they are pricks. Really, Coors and Coors Light are the highest quality of the 3 "Macrobeers" I'm not saying Coors Original is better than Sam Adams, but it buries Miller and Bud, by a mile........Also, I don't think all girls are evil, but most of the good ones are taken, or they are the girls I am "friends" with. Not complaining a bit about their friendship, but I realize if I ever got into a relationship with those girls (one girl in particular, is my best friend in the world, and yeah she is a hottie) but if it didn't work out, then I'd be without my best friend. Plus, she is so much like my sister, it would be weird to even think about making out with her!! JONO: I dated a super sweet Church-girl, loved her to death, she was so hard core she was "saving herself until marriage" which I had no problem with, I thought, hell if I do marry this girl, I'll be one of the few guys with a "pure" wife. But alas, she was too freaked out by my tatoos (a kiss one on my leg, and a small peice on my arm) and my love of bands like sabbath and slayer, that although I'm a school teacher with no criminal record, I was just "too wild." Oh well, she is a sweet girl, I wish her the best. I will be really pissed if I ever see her out and she is like covered in tatoos and making out with long haired dudes!!
Our relationship can be best described by the bumper sticker we had on our first truck (haven't found it since):

Only a bitch like me could love a bastard like him.

You just have to compliment each other. I know it's pretty gay to go on about "opposites attract" but the fact is my husband is everything I'm not and vice versa, so we pretty much bring everything to the table. Not that it doesn't cause problems, cause trust me it does.

For instance, he's not into Anthrax!!!!!! But, he knows better than to say "turn that shit off," so it's okay.

Finding what you want depends on what you're looking for. Unfortunately, for some people, myself included, that can change daily.


:Shedevil: :Shedevil:
I know how you feel about church girls, when I was in high school I was surrounded by nothing but Mormons. This in term lead to about two or three discussions with girls saying, "I would love to go out with you/date you, but your not a Mormon". But you know what? This did two great things for me! It kept me out of trouble(girl pregnant or something worse), and it also made me a much stronger person. I have never been racist but a experience like the years I had in school only strengthened that value!

"What doen't kill me makes me stronger"
This thread is starting to remind of the kind of conversation you'd have w/ people at a pub! Kinda scary really, but cool. I think most of the people on this board are really pretty cool. Don't kid yourself brat, your husband is a lucky guy. Well anyhoooooo, later anthraxians of the internet, I'm off to Friday Night at the Fights, and btw, I am in the front row, and I will be wwearing a shirt and tie, and "John Bush" style derby, so if you are bored enough to watch the fights tonite on espn2, and you see some white guy in the front row sporting a derby, you can say, "I know that dude, he is an anthrax fan!!" SEE YA
Going for the Inside Out look? Good times, good times. Maybe I'll check it out, god knows there ain't shit on tv usually anyway.

Oh and you can all expect some short posts from me for now...I just fucked up my finger and I am in some serious P A I N right now...
