Finally Finally Finally


Devon killed Buddy
Sep 4, 2001
Dawlat elBa7rain
I got my Deliverance.

I've managed to wait all this time! No downloading, No BS!!

I am one of the very few who are listening to their "virgin" copies of Deliverance and frankly, its beautiful; every second of it. I knew better than to actually take those who criticized the album seriously.
Isnt it the best? I waited, and was overjoyed far beyond the extent I would have been if I had downloaded them and listened to them in front of my fuckin computer.

Stop being such nerds and fucking wait. It's so incredibly worthwhile.
yeah i preordered mine and it came a few days before the release date
it was so great because i immediately put it on really loud and flipped through the booklet and looked the cover in more detail and all that
the way the great and dark music blended perfectly with the artwork while i was hearing the music for the first time was so cool
Originally posted by Brooks
Isnt it the best? I waited, and was overjoyed far beyond the extent I would have been if I had downloaded them and listened to them in front of my fuckin computer.

Stop being such nerds and fucking wait. It's so incredibly worthwhile.

Geez - all you self-rightious people. So I guess my downloading Deliverence prior to it's release makes me a ___________ (nerd)? :p

As far as my computer - my Cambridge Soundworks with a 150-watt sub rivals many stereos, so sound wasn't an issue.

The arguement that waiting until the release date makes the music sound better is pointless. That is NOT the issue - it's all about "stealing" the music. I purchased the CD, so I have no qualms about having downloaded it a month earlier, and enjoying it for a month more. It's the ones who download and don't purchase that hurt the music industry, the band to a small degree (how many pennies to the dollar does the band get for each CD sale?), and the record label.

Oh yeah - great album. :)
No, its not the legality issue, its the fact that holding off, buying the CD, getting the package, rushing back to your car, and throwing it in is just so satisfying, and the internet has ruined that feeling.

Its like sex, the longer you hold out, the bigger the payoff :)
Originally posted by Brooks
No, its not the legality issue, its the fact that holding off, buying the CD, getting the package, rushing back to your car, and throwing it in is just so satisfying, and the internet has ruined that feeling.

Its like sex, the longer you hold out, the bigger the payoff :)

True - that particular feeling is absolutely destroyed by the internet. When the radio plays an initial release off an upcoming album, I bet hundreds of thousands of people rush to Kazaa to download it and possibly the leaked album.

Personally, I've never held release dates as something special. I pre-ordered Deliverence from the End Records just out of convenience and price. And I downloaded it from the internet because it was there (lame reason, but the truth). I guess as much as I love music, anticipation has never affected me. I have waited months to get new albums, and I rarely if ever see a movie when it's first released.

So I guess for me personally, there isn't a bigger payoff in holding out getting the CD and rushing home to hear it. Now, sex on the other hand......:grin:
Well, I've held out for this long so far, so now I can download it and appreciate it even more because I've waited so long?

Sorry, your argument don't work for me.

Either way, I'll still wait until I actually find it. What can I say? I'm a fucking materialist :)
Frankly, I'm now glad I didn't download the album (not by choice, but ineptness), as it feels much more worthwhile to listen to it as it was meant. On a pressed CD.

I must admit, I did download Masters' Apprentice's though, which only wet my appetite for Deliverance even further.

If Damnation is leaked, I'll try and hold out for the album release, but not sure if I have the willpower.
Originally posted by Cutter
Frankly, I'm now glad I didn't download the album (not by choice, but ineptness), as it feels much more worthwhile to listen to it as it was meant. On a pressed CD.

I did the same thing, and I got the same payoff. I found it at Borders and I was chewing on it I was so excited. I brought it home, unwrapped it, put it in the cd player, and just sat back ready to be awed. I feel that downloading just one song even ruins the experience of listening to the entire album. After hearing songs you haven't heard before, you come to the one you downloaded and say, "Oh yeah, this one." It's just not as satisfying downloading it.
I waited for it...

if I had downloaded anything with my crappy ISDN connection, I would have gotten it in bits and pieces, and THAT would actually have ruined the first listen.

Oh how great a day it was an the album arrived...