Finally, Monumension is mine!


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Oct 14, 2001
I know this isn't Opeth related, but my experience here has been many Enslaved fans...and I don't know people at the other band forums. So anyway, I got Enslaved's Monumension today finally.

I've always loved Enslaved and I'm on track 2 right now, "The Voices". What a great track, I love it. So beautiful yet still Enslaved, and still heavy and metal. I can't wait to hear the rest. Definetely glad I got it.

What do the rest of you think of the new cd? I've heard many complaints from other Enslaved fans.
Excellent!! That CD is a mindfuck and a half. The first two tracks are unbelievable, though unfortunately, I've yet to fully appreciate the rest of the album (other than track6).....

I think it takes a lot of time to fully absorb the album, but it's one of the newer releases that I'm willing to put the time into.
So far I've really loved track 1,2,3, and 8. I really liked the whole album, but I love those. I definetely haven't fully absorbed it though, yet, so it's hard to say what I dislike on it.

Definetely will be interesting to see where Enslaved take the band. Always interesting to see what their next album is, because every one of them has been different the previous.